Chapter 896 The Four Clever Babes

Si Kou Yao frowned, and immediately asked the boss, "Zhouzhou, when you arrested them, were there any abnormalities around? Do they still have accomplices?"

The boss Xiao Qingzhou thought for a while, and then replied, "Probably not, I didn't find any abnormal people around, the second, the third, the fourth, what about you?"

The second child, the third child, and the fourth child also shook their heads together, "I didn't find any abnormalities in the others at that time."

Si Kouyao knew that their four little ones had strong spiritual power, and it was difficult for ordinary people to escape the eyes of their four brothers if there was any abnormal expression on their faces.

So, when the four little ones said there was no problem, Si Kou Yao nodded, "That's good! A Chi, you can directly search for their souls!"

Xiao Chifeng gave a soft "um" without delay, and immediately began to use the soul search technique on the two young men.

His mental power quickly broke into the memory area of ​​the two young men, searching bit by bit for helpful and valuable memories of this case.

Xiao Chifeng quickly found the appearance of the boss Bai in the minds of the two young men.

When Xiao Chifeng saw the familiar figure in his memory, he immediately sneered. He really didn't expect that it would be this fish that slipped through the net.

Xiao Chifeng looked at Si Kouyao, and asked with a half-smile, "Yaoyao, guess who this Boss Bai is?"

Si Kouyao glanced at him suspiciously, and her mind quickly turned, "The surname is Bai? We know quite a few people with the surname Bai, but they are all willing to be slaves and recognize their masters. The only one who did not recognize their masters , escaped again, and would betray me, there is only one——Bai Jing."

Seeing Xiao Chifeng raised his eyebrows, Si Kouyao also laughed coldly, "It can't be this scumbag, right?"

Xiao Chifeng nodded, "That's the scum!"

Si Kouyao's eyes turned cold, and she sneered slightly, "It seems that they are going to play tricks again this time! Chi, have you found any useful information?"

Xiao Chifeng shook his head, "These two are just the pony boys below who are responsible for monitoring Niujiao Village. If you want to find the big head above, I'm afraid you have to find this Bai Jing first."

Si Kou Yao asked again, "Where is Bai Jing now?"

Xiao Chifeng replied, "It's at Ancheng Hotel, let's go, let's find him!"

"Dad, let's go too!"

"Dad, I want to go too!"

Xiao Chifeng nodded, "Okay! Let's all go! After a while, your mommy and I will go up to find Bai Jing. You are responsible for the defense of the four directions, understand?"

The four little babies responded in unison, "Understood!"

Xiao Chifeng transmitted Bai Jing's appearance to the minds of the four little ones for them to remember.

Ancheng Hotel.

It is the largest five-star hotel in Anseong.

When Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao arrived at Ancheng Hotel, they found that Bai Jing had already left, and they came a step late.

Si Kou Yao used the technique of going back in time.

I saw that Bai Jing received a call from a person fifteen minutes ago. The person said that he was exposed and ordered him to evacuate here immediately.

Then, Bai Jing didn't even leave the room, and just packed up his things. In the end, Bai Jing turned into a cloud of black smoke and quickly disappeared into the room.

The six members of Si Kouyao's family felt a little shocked after watching the video of going back in time, and the conspiracy flavor of this incident seemed to be stronger.

Si Kou Yao also said to Xiao Chifeng with a serious face, "A Chi, have you seen that Bai Jing has become a demon!"

(End of this chapter)

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