Chapter 899 She Is Very Happy

Since the first batch of earth women successfully immigrated, Si Kouyao released the video of their emigration to the public, allowing more earth people to understand the happy life of female immigrants.

After the broadcast of The Happy Life of Immigrant Women, more female-only immigrants like Hu Xiaomei applied.

The extraterrestrial offices on Earth receive nearly a thousand applications every day.

In order to avoid the phenomenon that the first batch and the second batch of female immigrants have no skills, Si Kouyao asked those pure-female households who applied for immigration and passed the application to receive free training first, and only after passing the examination can they move.

According to the survey and statistics, because women in the empire can immigrate to aliens, there are obviously more families in the empire who have girls.

Moreover, the status of girls has also improved a lot.

More and more people have asked the government to distribute the panacea for females.

Si Kou Yao was very happy when she found out.

In this way, she sent thousands of women to immigrate there every once in a while, and it would not affect the balance of men and women on this side of the earth.

But her main candidates for immigration are still on the Datang plane.

There are really too many poor orphans and women who need her to save.

Every time she sees those women being abused, she feels a dull pain in her heart.

If it wasn't forced by life, who would want to be a slave to someone else's house and live a humble life?

Fan Yu sent the video of the second batch of female immigrants to Si Kouyao, and found that the adaptability of these ancient women was much better than she imagined.

They adapted well on Bacca planet, Si Kou Yao also breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking that there was still Gong Chen's matter that had not been dealt with, Si Kouyao took another day to visit Gong's father and Gong's mother.

When she left before, Gong Chen also secretly gave her a lot of jewelry, as well as gold and silver jewelry entrusted to her parents, and asked her to convert the gold and silver into modern Chinese coins, and then hand them over to him. Parents, let his parents enjoy their old age in peace.

Gong Chen entrusted her to bring to Gong's father and mother Gong's money in Chinese coins converted from gold and silver, which was about 500 million.

If the two old people can accept the reincarnated Gong Chen, then they won't have to bear the pain of losing their children, and happiness will be just around the corner.

When the kind-hearted father and mother Gong saw Si Kouyao bringing the four little babies to see them, they smiled happily, and warmly brought them tea and water, and brought snacks for the four little babies.

Both Gong's father and Gong's mother looked at the four little babies with strange expressions.

Gong's mother smiled and said to Si Kouyao, "Ma'am, your four children really look better the longer they grow, and the longer they grow, the more handsome they are. They look like dragons among men. You are so lucky to have four babies in one birth." Already!"

Si Kouyao also laughed and teased herself, "Isn't it! I also feel very blessed, hehe..."

Mother Gong thought of her son Gong Chen again, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

Even after eight or nine years, she still misses her lost son in her heart. Every time she thinks of her outstanding son, her heart hurts like a knife.

If Gong Chen hadn't died, her grandson must have been as big as these four babies, right?
When Gong Chen left, he took away the hope and happiness of the old couple.

As soon as Si Kouyao saw the flash of sadness in Gong's mother's expression, she knew that she must have thought of Gong Chen again.

Si Kouyao tentatively asked Gong's father and Gong's mother, "Gong's father and Gong's mother, have you watched those TV dramas about time travel and rebirth?"

(End of this chapter)

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