Chapter 915 Respecting Her
When Si Kouyao got off the flying car, the chief executive, Lu Tong, led the crowd to bow to her respectfully, "Welcome Fairy Yaoyao!"

"Don't be too polite! Please get up!"

Si Kou Yao slightly waved his hand, and lightly pushed upwards, the Chief Guan Lutong and the others felt an invisible force lifting their bodies up.

Tang Huiniang waved her hands at the servants, and the servants quickly stood on both sides, arranged in two rows according to the rules, it can be seen that the rules are usually well done to have this effect.

Tang Huiniang smiled again and stretched out her hand, and said to Si Kouyao, "Fairy, please come inside!"

Si Kou Yao also stretched out her hand slightly, "Please!"

Everyone walked into the lobby together.

Gong Chen asked Si Kou Yao to sit down at the main seat, but Si Kou Yao politely evaded, "Brother Gong, you are the head of the family in the Chen Palace, how can I take the lead?"

Gong Chen said seriously, "Congcong, you are now the mentor of Huiniang and me, and the master of Yu'er and Qing'er, you should take the seat of honor. If you don't sit, you are deliberately not giving it We're losing face."

Tang Huiniang also said seriously, "Your husband is right, master, just sit down!"

Si Kouyao couldn't hold back the enthusiasm of their husband and wife, so she also smiled and said, "All right, all right, I'll sit and I'll sit, I really can't do anything about you!"

Seeing her helpless look, Gong Chen and Hui Niang also laughed.

When they saw Si Kouyao sat down, the couple sat on either side of her, one on the left and one on the right, showing that they respected her.

Gong Yu and Gong Qing sat side by side on the left side obediently, looking at their master and parents with admiring eyes.

After they all sat down, the maid Zhuye immediately brought spirit tea to them.

This spiritual tea was left for them by Si Kouyao last time, ordinary guests can't drink it, and only when distinguished guests come, Gong Chen and Hui Niang are willing to let the servants take out this spiritual tea to brew.

After Si Kouyao took a few sips of tea, she said to Gong Chen and Tang Huiniang, "Brother Gong, Huiniang, take a rest first, I'll go out for a walk."

Gong Chen immediately asked, "Do you want us to accompany you?"

Si Kou Yao smiled and shook her head, "No, no, I will use teleportation to visit other cities, buy some slaves, and then send them to the Alliance Planet."

Seeing the worry in Gong Chen's eyes, Si Kou Yao explained again, "Brother Gong, don't worry, they are all doing well in the alliance planet, if it is something that is detrimental to morality, I will definitely not do it."

Gong Chen hurriedly said, "No, I don't suspect that you are going to do something bad, I just think that it's not a problem for you to run around like this every time. Congcong, you are on the side of the empire, and you have an open immigrant Apply, look, can we do the same here in Datang? In this way, things will be done in an aboveboard manner, and you will not be talked about by others, suspicious of this or that. "

Si Kou Yao's eyes lit up, "Brother Gong, your idea is great! But, will your emperor agree?"

Gong Chen laughed, "As long as he sees the benefits, he will naturally agree."


Si Kouyao raised her eyebrows and looked at Gong Chen, "Brother Gong, what do you think is going to benefit the Emperor so that he would agree to me doing this?"

Gong Chen said with a faint smile, "As the emperor, there are undoubtedly two things that you care about the most. One is to save your life and coerce others' high cultivation level; the other is to hope to live forever and stay young forever. Tap your hands."

(End of this chapter)

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