Chapter 921 God Has Eyes!

He's just fighting for his chance at survival.

In the midst of many dangers, he chose to endure, chose to cherish the hard-won chance of rebirth, and just wanted to spend a lifetime with his family in a normal way.

He also devoted more time to the intrigue between the DPRK and China.

In this Great Tang, he has already forgotten his original intention in the Longyan Army in his previous life.

If it weren't for Si Kou Yao's headache at this time, perhaps, Gong Chen would continue to live like this for the rest of his life, and live like this forever.

No one would think that there was anything wrong with him living like this, and others might even think that he was living a very good life like this!

Even he thinks so!
But when he heard Si Kou Yao's words, and thought of the modern group of brothers from the Longyan Army who were still working hard for the empire and the people, Gong Chen felt very ashamed.

Thanks to their efforts, the empire is thriving and has become the leading power in the world.

But the Tang Dynasty where he lived, after so many years, was still decayed, lacking vigor and vitality.

Now he has passed the most difficult period of survival when he first came to Datang.

He is now the celebrity in front of the new emperor, and also the king of the morning who is in a high position and holds great power.

As long as he is willing, he can really do some practical and good things for the common people.

But why has he never thought of doing it in the past?Is it because he is afraid that too many words will lead to failure, too much action will lead to living, and he doesn't want to lose his current life, so he chooses to be wise and protect himself?

Maybe, there are all these reasons!

Gong Chen's face was complicated, he felt ashamed, his heart was dark, he felt embarrassed and ashamed.

But when these dark emotions passed, slowly, he felt that the original fire in his body seemed to have been ignited.

The fire in his body, as if being poured with oil, is gradually growing and burning, slowly making his blood boil.

That's right!No matter where he is, as long as he has the ability, he will make his life worth living!
He wants to leave his mark on this world!

He wanted everyone to remember that he, Gong Chen, had been here before in this world!

He wants to leave his name in the history of Tang Dynasty, and his name will last forever!
Gong Chen looked at Si Kouyao firmly, and said as if making a promise to her, "Congcong, thank you for waking me up! I know what to do in the future!"

Si Kou Yao said softly, "That's good, Brother Gong, your family is also a practitioner now, you have to remember that doing good is to accumulate virtue, not only good for others, but also good for yourself, God has eyes Yes, everything has a cause, and there will be an effect. Everyone’s words and deeds may not be seen by oneself, but there is a merit book in heaven that records the good and evil of your life! Good and evil will eventually come to an end. Reported!"

Following her words, Gong Chen's eyes became more and more determined.

Gong Chen looked at the girl in front of him with emotion as he watched her grow and transform. Seeing that she has become such an alluring woman, and can even lead them all forward firmly, he couldn't help feeling excited and excited. It is inexplicable melancholy, inexplicable loss, inexplicable sadness, and inexplicable heartache.

Too many complex emotions made his eyes slightly moist.

Si Kouyao seemed to understand his emotions, but just reached out and patted his shoulder, her tone was full of encouragement and comfort, "Brother Gong, I believe in you! I believe in you from beginning to end!!!"

Si Kou Yao's words instantly made Gong Chen's long-held tears fall.

(End of this chapter)

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