Chapter 940 The Invincible Best Wine in the World
Over the years, little Bobby has accompanied Si Kouyao to cook more than once. If he wants to be with her, he will often help her when he gets the chance. They come and go, and they have really cultivated a tacit understanding.

With the help of Xiao Bobi, Si Kou Yao's movements became even faster.

In addition, there are still a lot of prepared delicacies in the previous space, which can be used directly.

Therefore, Si Kouyao can handle the food for these three or four tables in less than an hour.

The four little ones had already smelled the fragrance and found them.

When they saw little Bobby in the kitchen, they all laughed and teased him, "I said where did brother Bobby go, so he came here to help Mommy again!"

"Senior brother, you are really my mommy's caring little padded jacket!"

Si Kouyao glared at Xiao Qingxing, the third child, and Xiao Qingchen, the fourth child, and cursed softly with a smile, "You two little fellows, if you don't come to help Mommy yourself, you still dare to laugh at senior brother, do you want to ask for a beating?" ?”

The third child, Xiao Qingxing, and the fourth child, Xiao Qingchen, hurriedly raised their hands in surrender, "Mum, please spare me! We dare not! Let's help serve the dishes!"

Si Kouyao watched them scrambling for the appetizers, and hurriedly warned, "Be careful, don't burn it."

Obviously knowing that they are all strong little guys, such a little heat will definitely not burn them.

But as a mother, even a small scar would make her feel distressed, so sometimes, words of concern would be blurted out involuntarily, without thinking about anything else.

When Gong Chen, Hui Niang and the others saw Si Kou Yao and the four little ones bringing out the dishes in person, they all felt embarrassed.

"Hey, how can you let the fairy and the little fairy come and serve us food?"

"Quick, quick, give me, I'll come, let's come..."

One by one rushed forward to take the food, Si Kouyao didn't refuse their kindness, if they really didn't serve them, I'm afraid they would be even more embarrassed.

Four tables of delicacies were served, and the room was filled with a strong aroma of vegetables and meat.

Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng, Gong Chen and Huiniang, Old General Tang and Mrs. Tang, as well as Young Master Tang and Mrs. Tang, Second Young Master Tang, Young Master Tang and other adults sat at a table.

Mrs. Tang Er and Mrs. Tang San sat together with other younger generations of the Tang family.

The four little ones sat at the table with Ye Tianling and the others, brothers and sisters from the master school.

The rest sat at the fourth table.

All of them have been greedy for the food on the table for a long time, but without Si Kou Yao's order, no one dared to do it first.

Until Si Kou Yao said, "Everyone eat, you're welcome!"

Only then did everyone move their chopsticks.

Si Kouyao and Xiao Chifeng's table naturally drank first.

This wine is naturally also the spiritual wine that Si Kou Yao took out from the space. When General Tang saw this spiritual wine, he couldn't move his eyes away.

He exclaimed and said, "Fairy, this wine is really good! Not only is it delicious, it is mellow and smooth, and after drinking it, you will feel energetic and invigorated. After the old man has drunk it, no other wine can enter the old man's mouth." It's really the best wine in the world!"

Si Kouyao smiled slightly, "Since it's delicious, let Old General Tang drink a few more glasses today. Drinking too much of this spiritual wine will not cause any trouble, it will only be good for your health."

Old General Tang laughed loudly, "Then we won't be polite."

Everyone, you toast me, and I toast to you, and there are constant laughter and laughter during the banquet.

Coupled with the table full of delicacies, each of them is full of oil, and I feel happy!

(End of this chapter)

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