Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 946 4 Treasures Are Adorable Again

Chapter 946 Four Treasures Are Adorable Again
Seeing her excited face, Si Kouyao stretched out her hand and patted her lightly, "Don't get excited, calm down, it's just a trivial matter, what's the point?"

Xiao Lan said seriously, "For you, it may be a trivial matter; but for me, Xiao Lan, it is a major event that determines the fate of my life. Fairy, what I just said is sincere, as long as You help me restore my dantian, so that I can go on the fairy road, and I, Xiao Lan, will follow you around for the rest of my life, and I will be at your beck and call, without any second thoughts!"

After hearing Xiao Lan say this for the second time, Si Kouyao knew that she was serious!
She smiled helplessly and cast a glance at Xiao Lan, "Okay! You've already talked to this point, if I don't help you, wouldn't it be too disrespectful."

Xiao Lan giggled, and gave Si Kou Yao a deep blessing, "Thank you Fairy for your love and fulfillment, Xiao Lan is very grateful! I will always remember it in my heart!"

Just as Si Kouyao was about to return to her, Gong Chen's voice transmission sounded in her mind, "My lord, the opening ceremony of the mountain gate is about to begin. All the guests have arrived. Shouldn't you be on stage?"

Si Kou Yao replied via voice transmission, "Okay, I'll go out right away."

She turned to Xiao Lan and said, "Your body, after the opening ceremony of the mountain gate, I will treat it for you. Now, I have to preside over the opening ceremony of the mountain gate first. Let's go, let's go out together."

Xiao Lan also knew that today was a big day for Si Kou Dian to open the mountain gate.

She suddenly ouched, "Just now I was just talking, I haven't even given the gift to the fairy, I'm so rude! I'm so rude!"

However, if she gave the gift later, the fairy should not be angry.

Sure enough, I heard Si Kouyao say there, "When you arrive, your intention will come. As for the gift, it doesn't matter if you have it or not, you can do whatever you want."

Xiao Lan pursed her lips and chuckled, "I don't dare to miss the fairies' gifts. Not only are there gifts, but I also brought a lot of our Liuli Kingdom's special products. Except for the officiant must give, the rest can be chosen by the fairies! "

Si Kouyao led her out, and replied with a slight smile, "If I really pick up all your good things, then don't cry!"

Xiao Lan winked at her shrewdly, and said with a wicked smile, "If you really pick them all up, then I'll be very happy!"

Si Kou Yao said softly, "Could there be some mystery hidden in the middle?"

Xiao Lan smiled mysteriously, "You will know when the time comes."

Si Kou Yao smiled, "Okay, I'll wait."

When Si Kouyao and Xiao Lan walked out of the gate of the backyard, they found that Xiao Chifeng led the four little babies and those little apprentices, waiting for them to come out.

As soon as the four little ones saw Si Kou Yao coming out, they rushed up together, shouting in unison, "Mummy..."

Xiao Lan looked at these four identical handsome men, her eyes widened instantly, and she exclaimed, "Oh my god! Fairy, you actually gave birth to four babies at one birth?"

Si Kouyao nodded with a smile, and said to the four little ones, "All of you, send hello to Aunt Xiao."

The four little babies were very obedient, and they all bowed their hands to Xiao Lan, "Hello, Aunt Xiao!"

Xiao Lan was quite flattered, "Hello, four little fairy masters! Aunt Xiao will make up gifts for you later!"

The four little ones thanked each other again, "Thank you, Aunt Xiao!"

Seeing the amazingly consistent movements of the four little babies, and the same handsome and delicate appearance, Xiao Lan was so cute that she exclaimed, "Oh, these four little babies are so beautiful! They are so lovable! If only I could have such a great fortune!"

 Good night, folks!

(End of this chapter)

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