Chapter 960 Give you a ride!
Jiang Ruofeng looked at Xiao Chifeng, and suddenly laughed softly, "Xiao Chifeng, winner and loser, I have nothing to say, you do it!"

He closed his eyes, but there was a trace of unwillingness and despair in his eyes.

Why is he never as good as Xiao Chifeng?Why can he always be subdued under Xiao Chifeng?Why?Why?Why?
With a big wave of Xiao Chifeng's hand, a thunderbolt exploded on Jiang Ruofeng's head, and struck straight at him, instantly burning him into a pile of fly ash, leaving no soul behind...

His question can only be asked.

When Si Kou Yao was about to snipe him, Bai Jing yelled anxiously, "Si Kou Yao, don't kill me! Don't kill me! I am willing to commit crimes and meritorious service, and I will take you to our lair!"

Si Kouyao withdrew her hand and smiled slightly, "Okay! I'll give you a chance to make a contribution! Don't play tricks on me, otherwise, I have ten thousand ways to kill you!"

Bai Jing looked at this woman who was obviously beautiful but spoke like a devil with a face of fear, and said repeatedly, "No, no, what I said is true, I am willing to take I have committed crimes and meritorious deeds, I only ask you to spare my life! Spare my life!"

Si Kouyao saw that Xiao Chifeng had already cleaned up the scene, so she summoned the flying car and said to Bai Jing, "Come on! You lead the way!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Looking at Bai Jing's current look, and thinking about how arrogant he was when he first met him, the gap is really not that big.

Si Kou Yao shook her head and sighed, she knew that today would happen, so why bother?
With Bai Jing leading the way, Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao found Devil's Island, the old den of the demon cultivator, very smoothly.

Before, Jiang Ruofeng had sent many demon cultivators out to do things, but they were all wiped out by Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao's men.

When Jiang Ruofeng went out, he brought another group of people with him, who were wiped out by Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao.

At this time, there are not many demon cultivators left on Devil's Island, only a few dozen people.

When Jiang Ruoqing saw Bai Jing bring Si Kou Yao and Xiao Chifeng back, her eyes turned red with anger, "Bai Jing, you traitor! Where's my brother?"

Bai Jing looked at her with a face full of hatred and said, "You stupid brother, of course you are going to see the King of Hades! If you are sensible, you can commit suicide by harakiri! We don't want us to do it and dirty our hands!"

When Bai Jing returned these words to Jiang Ruoqing, he felt very happy and relieved.

Let you brothers and sisters bully me, it’s okay now, Feng Shui takes turns, it will be your turn so soon, hahahahaha...

"Bai Jing, you bitch, I'm going to kill you!!!"

Jiang Ruoqing roared and rushed towards Bai Jing.

Bai Jing watched this crazy woman rushing towards him, and wanted to avoid it in fright, and shouted at Si Kou Yao, "Si Kou Yao, help me! Help me! Help me!"

How could Jiang Ruoqing, who wanted his life wholeheartedly, allow him to escape?

With a blow with all his strength, Bai Jing was instantly sent flying, and fell hard to the ground.

Jiang Ruoqing still didn't think it was enough, so she continued to rush up, kicked him hard, stomped on him hard, until all the bones in Bai Jing's body were broken, and there was no more life left, so she just gave up.

Afterwards, she looked at Si Kouyao sharply, and said with a smirk to Si Kouyao, "Shen Qingcong, you bitch, you dared to find this place, it's too late! Since you want to die, I'll send you off today." One ride!!!”

Si Kou Yao sarcastically said, "Hehe, do you have the ability?"

(End of this chapter)

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