Chapter 964 Got caught by him

Si Kouyao persuaded him patiently, "Ah Chi, I'm really going to be fine. Look, my Ziguang Baoyi has a protective formation, and I can also set up a defensive formation myself. This layer of defense will never fail. If it hurts the fetus, just let me go, how bad it is to miss the appointment."

Xiao Chifeng refused to compromise, "You just tell Xiao Lan directly, let's go at another time, it's fine."

Si Kou Yao smiled and said, "But it's already November and December after giving birth, how can it take so long? This matter has been resolved early, so I can rest assured to raise the baby, don't you think?"

Xiao Chifeng scowled, and said domineeringly, "I said no to go, so I won't go!"

Seeing that Si Kouyao couldn't convince him, and she didn't want to miss the appointment, she had no choice but to sneak away through the space plane teleportation array while he was at work, and ran away.

She thought to herself, go there in the morning, have a meal with Xiao Lan and Mo Heng at noon, and then return home before Xiao Chifeng gets off work, she should be fine.

Xiao Lan and Mo Heng were naturally overjoyed to see Si Kou Yao arrive as scheduled.

Accompanied by Xiao Lan and Mo Heng, Si Kouyao visited the colored glaze workshops in the colored glaze country and watched the entire process of making colored glaze.

Seeing that the workshop is full of radiant colored glaze, every piece of work is crystal clear and dazzling, so perfect that people can't put it down.

Si Kou Yao couldn't help but marvel, this skill is really amazing!Sure enough, the master is among the people!

While they were having dinner, Mo Heng mentioned to Si Kou Yao again about the establishment of a branch hall of the Si Kou Palace and a fairy temple in the Liuli Kingdom.

Si Kouyao really doesn't have the energy to do these things now, so she said to Mo Heng tactfully, "Please forgive me! I'm afraid I won't be here for too long, so I have full authority over the affairs of the mainland here. Entrusted to Gong Chen to deal with it, His Majesty can discuss it with Gong Chen, if he thinks there is no problem, then that's fine."

Seeing that Si Kou Yao really didn't want to deal with the affairs here, Mo Heng couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

They have already missed the best opportunity to win over Si Kou Yao, and now it is difficult to find another opportunity.

It seemed that they had to follow what Si Kou Yao said and negotiate with Gong Chen.

After finishing the lunch in Liuli Kingdom, Si Kouyao said goodbye and left.

She went to Datang again, where nearly 4000 female immigrants were received.

These female immigrants are the folk girls who were expropriated according to the method Gong Chen said, using the same method of marriage as the earth.

Gong Chen also followed what Si Kouyao said. When they were expropriated, they had already made it clear that they had to sign a final agreement. Once they decided to immigrate, they would never be able to come back.

But there are still many ordinary people with difficult families who are willing to send their daughters away, just to get some silver back to live on.

Si Kouyao really appreciated Gong Chen's work ability.

Originally, she still wanted to stay here for a few days, but when she thought of the domineering man at home, Si Kouyao took him away, and seeing that it was getting late, she hurried back home through the space plane teleportation array up.

Si Kouyao originally thought that there should be no one in the bedroom at this time.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she came out of the space, she saw Xiao Chifeng sitting on the big bed with a dark face, staring at her coldly.

Seeing her suddenly appear, Xiao Chifeng snorted coldly, "Where have you been?"

Si Kouyao was a little guilty, and gave him a bright smile, "I just went into the space to take a bath and deal with some things..."

(End of this chapter)

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