Chapter 976
Although she felt a little sad and lost in her heart without her cultivation base, but compared to her father's life, it was really nothing.

As for Si Kou Yu, who had just woken up, after hearing the conversation between Patriarch Hongjun and Si Kou Yao, he finally understood why he was able to wake up so quickly?
It turned out that it was Yao'er who gave him all of her cultivation!

Si Kouyu was shocked, but also distressed, "Yaoer, why are you so stupid? As a father, you will be able to wake up sooner or later, but it will take some time. Why are you wasting all the merits you have cultivated so hard?" What about your cultivation? You silly boy, how can you let your father have the face to face you?"

But Si Kouyao said with a smile, "Father, as long as you are well, your daughter will be fine. The big deal is that you will make some more good things for your daughter in the future. I will make up for it. This cultivation base can be repaired soon. "

Although Si Kou Yu knew this was the case, he still felt uncomfortable in his heart.

The daughter he has always held in his hands to care for and love, now has to suffer so much because of him, how embarrassing is this for him?
He looked at Si Kou Yao guiltily, and said in pain, "Yaoer, I'm sorry! I'm sorry for my father! I'm sorry!"

At this time, the ancestor Hongjun snorted coldly, "Okay, okay, it's just a trivial matter, so why should you father and daughter cry?"

Si Kou Yu and Si Kou Yao's father and daughter both cast their eyes on him, and asked in unison, "Old Ancestor, do you have any good ideas?"

Ancestor Hongjun quickly waved his hand, "I have a solution, but I can't help you either. You can solve this small problem by yourself. If you don't have a cultivation base, you can just re-cultivate. With previous cultivation experience, and With so many resources available, do you need to be so pessimistic?"

Ancestor Hongjun's words were like enlightenment, instantly awakening Si Kou Yu and Si Kou Yao.

Ancestor Hongjun reminded Si Kouyu again, "Ayu, now that you have Yao'er's true immortal cultivation, you can reshape your physical body for yourself."

Si Kouyu took another look at his precious daughter, seeing her ten-year-old face, his heart ached like a knife, "Yaoer..."

Si Kouyao knew what her father was thinking, so she quickly said to him, "Father, don't think too much, just do what your ancestor said, and quickly reshape your physical body! Well, I I also started to practice, to restore my physical strength..."

After finishing speaking, she stopped looking at Si Kou Yu, took out a bottle of Gathering Spirit Pill directly from the space, and poured one into her mouth.

Then, she calmed down, picked up the mental method of "Flower God Record", and started to practice.

Having had a wealth of experience in cultivation, it is natural to get twice the result with half the effort if you practice again.

After Si Kouyao absorbed one of the spirit-gathering pills, she felt that her body had returned to normal, and she was no longer in the powerless state just now.

She immediately poured another Gathering Spirit Pill into her mouth, and continued to practice again.

Her cultivation base also began to rise slowly, the first, second, and third levels of Qi Refining...

She cultivated to the ninth floor in one breath, and then directly broke through to the Foundation Establishment Realm. Only then did Si Kou Yao truly breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, the ancestor did not deceive her, her cultivation base can be repaired, and the speed of rebuilding is extremely fast.

Coupled with the sky-defying time flow in space, it is believed that her cultivation will return to its peak within two years.

Si Kou Yao felt that her whole body was full of energy to charge forward again...

(End of this chapter)

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