Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 984 It's Amazing!so amazing!

Chapter 984 It's Amazing!so amazing!
Mr. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, Xiao Dingtian, and Zheng Yiling who were sitting in the downstairs hall watching TV, all stood up in shock when they heard the voice of the third child, Xiao Qingxing.

Mr. Xiao watched the family of seven coming down the stairs, and asked in shock, "Achi, Yaoyao, why did you come back so soon? Did you not make it?"

Xiao Chifeng explained with a smile, "No, it was because of the help of noble people that things went so smoothly, so we went there and came back again!"

Grandpa Xiao, Grandma Xiao, Xiao Dingtian, and Zheng Yiling all stared wide-eyed in shock when they heard Xiao Chifeng say that they went and came back again.

Mr. Xiao asked in surprise, "So fast? Is this fairy world and our earth... so close?"

Hearing what the old man said, Xiao Chifeng couldn't help laughing, "Grandpa, it's not that our two places are close, but that there are many fairy spells, which are so magical that they can let you cross a plane in an instant. Like the plane teleportation array of the Xian family, it can teleport a person from this place to that place in the blink of an eye..."

Mr. Xiao, Mrs. Xiao, Xiao Dingtian, and Zheng Yiling were dumbfounded when they heard it, and they felt that everything he said was amazing!so amazing!

However, over the years, they have seen and seen many things with their own eyes.

Didn't they also travel through the space-time tunnel in Si Kouyao's flying car before? This plane teleportation array is probably even more powerful than the space-time tunnel.

Thinking about it this way, they will understand.

Mr. Xiao hurriedly greeted Xiao Chifeng, "Sit down quickly, and tell us what the fairyland is like? What's new? What's different from our place?"

Grandma Xiao, Xiao Dingtian and Zheng Yiling also looked curious.

Xiao Chifeng said helplessly, "Grandpa, we went up this time to do errands, not to play. To be honest, we just went to the Space-Time Management Bureau, and then to the ancestor Hongjun's house. Old Ancestral Hall, met my father-in-law and the others, and then we came back directly."

Mr. Xiao, Grandma Xiao, Xiao Dingtian, and Zheng Yiling all opened their mouths wide, "Ah? That's it?"

Xiao Chifeng nodded seriously, "Yes, it's that simple."

Mr. Xiao patted his thigh, "Then you all went there in vain? You finally went up there, why don't you stay for a few more days and take a good look around?"

Xiao Chifeng gave them science popularization and explanations helplessly, "The fairyland and the human world are actually the same. Where there are people or immortals, there are rivers and lakes. My father-in-law also has opponents in the fairyland. He is afraid that the opponent will be bad for us. So, after finishing the work, let us come back quickly, and when the time is right, everyone will go up again."

Zheng Yiling asked, "Then when is the time ripe?"

Xiao Chifeng laughed again, "Of course our cultivation has reached the level of a true immortal, so the time is ripe!"

Zheng Yiling blinked, and asked tentatively, "Then if you can't break through that barrier for the rest of your life, won't it mean that you won't have to ascend to the Immortal Realm for the rest of your life?"

Xiao Chifeng said lightly, "We will make a breakthrough! Moreover, I believe it will not take ten years!"

Zheng Yiling felt a little disappointed, "Will it take another ten years? By then we will be too old to walk!"

 PS: Three updates in a row, don't miss it~
(End of this chapter)

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