Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 989 The little fan is destined to be his!

Chapter 989 The little fan is destined to be his!

The parents of each family tried their best to dress up their girls and boys who were about the same age as the four little princes, trying to appear in front of the Xiao family with the best mental outlook and win the favor of the Xiao family.

Of course, it would be best for the princes to fall in love with their own children at a glance, that would be the most beautiful.

Every time the Xiao family feasts, the children of these wealthy families will compete in the feast, Si Kou Yao is not surprised at all.

It should be said that after so many years, the members of the Xiao family have long adapted to the pursuit and love of people from the outside world.

Although they couldn't respond to some of their unrealistic and ardent expectations, the members of the Xiao family tried their best to respond with kindness, trying not to form grudges and enmity while not being able to get married with others.

Of course, some narrow-minded people will be dissatisfied and even resentful no matter how well you do.

For such a narrow-minded person, once the Xiao family finds that something is wrong, they will never give them a second chance to visit the door.

In the blink of an eye, the day of the full moon banquet arrived.

The little princess's full moon banquet was also held in the top banquet hall of Xiao's Hotel.

The luncheon officially started at twelve o'clock.

But generally the guests will arrive early.

Since ten o'clock in the morning, guests have been arriving one after another.

The people in charge of welcoming the guests at the entrance of the banquet hall were: the four big babies, as well as Bobby, Xu Jinlai, Xiao Yuer and Xiao Lingdai.

The eldest, Xiao Qingzhou and Xiao Lingdai, and the third child, Xiao Qingxing and Xiao Yu'er, were already two pairs of childhood sweethearts by default, and they already had a deep emotional foundation for each other, which most people would definitely not be able to get in.

According to this development, the two couples, the boss and the third child, are a sure thing.

Now those people's targets are first locked on the second child Xiao Qingguo and the fourth child Xiao Qingchen.

Although the little princess was also being plotted by someone, but she was still too young, even if those people wanted to get her attention, they would not do it at all!

The second goal is the direct disciples of Si Kou Dian like Xu Jinlai and Bobby.

Especially the extremely handsome little prince Bobby, who is simply the best husband candidate in the minds of countless women.

His appearance is unreasonably handsome.

His identity is also the nephew of Prince Dibo, the richest prince in the Dibo country. I heard that he also has many rich properties under his name.

His other identity is that he is Si Kou Yao's godson and also Si Kou Yao's direct disciple.

With so many good conditions superimposed, it was as if layers of golden light had been cast on Bobby's body, and the words "This is a rich man" were written all over his body.

But even though those shy and timid girls turned around in front of little Bobby, trying to attract his attention, little Bobby's eyes never stopped on any of them.

He hid his fiery gaze, and locked tightly on the little fan in the godmother's arms.

Little fan, so cute!so cute!

When little Bobby saw Xiao Fan Tuan'er for the first time, when he saw Xiao Fan Tuan'er showing an innocent smile towards him, his calm and calm heart had already been left in Xiao Fan Tuan'er son's body.

Now that he has locked the target, he will go all out.

No matter what price he has to pay, he must take down the little fan!

The little fan is destined to be his!

Seeing that the guests had arrived, little Bobby walked up to Si Kouyao, raised his deep and bright charming blue eyes, and smiled at her, "Godmother, you're going to speak on stage later, let me hold you little fan for a while." ?”

 PS: 8 is updated, I haven't asked for a ticket for a long time, please ask for a monthly ticket, a recommended ticket~ ummm~
(End of this chapter)

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