Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 991 Who dares to snatch the little fans?

Chapter 991 Who dares to snatch the little fans?
Si Kou Yao raised her eyes and glanced at the place where Bobby was just now, and found that he was no longer there, and she didn't know where she went with the little fan?

She smiled and replied, "Little Bobby took her away just now, don't worry, I'll see you later, let's talk first, I'll go and see them..."

Prince Dibo waved at her, "Go! Go! I'm going to drink with Xiaomanang!"

Si Kou Yao unleashed her mental power to sweep away, and soon found Xiao Bobi and Xiao Fan Tuaner in the lounge.

She saw that Bobby was playing with the little fan, and it made her giggle, so she couldn't help but also laughed.

These two children are both good-looking. This handsome young boy is carefully holding the pink baby, and he is coaxing and teasing her tenderly. No matter how Si Kou Yao sees this warm scene, he feels it. pleasing to the eye.

Si Kouyao thought about it carefully, why did she still feel that her daughter was being raised by Bobby?

Did she miss it?

However, to be honest, Si Kouyao would really be happy if the baby girl could make a pair with Bobby.

She loves little Bobby the most.

Besides her four sons, she is also the child she loves the most.

As the saying goes, the fat and water don't flow into the fields of outsiders!

Xiao Bobi is so outstanding, it is the best thing to be able to be the husband of his own daughter.

If Bobby knew that Si Kou Yao thought so, he would be overjoyed!
It's a pity that he is still carefully hiding his emotions, not daring to let his desire to have a little fan show out.

Seeing that Little Bobby and Little Fan Tuaner were fine, Si Kouyao came out to entertain guests again.

At twelve o'clock, the luncheon began.

Little Bobby also came back holding the little powder ball.

As parents, Xiao Chifeng and Si Kouyao came to the stage and said thank you for everyone's presence, and then they held the little fan balls for the guests to watch.

The gifts from each of these guests are all precious and extraordinary.

Xu Jinlai and Xiao Bobi, who followed Si Kouyao to help collect the presents, were really resigned.

At such a young age, this little girl has become a little rich woman that everyone envies.

What Prince Dibo sent was a crown studded with small pink diamonds, which was very delicate, gorgeous and beautiful.

He put it on for the little fan on the spot.

The exquisite crown also brought out the extravagance and extraordinaryness of the little fan.

Her big black eyes blinked, turned back and forth, and smiled at you with a small grin from time to time. That cute and cute little cuteness really made a lot of people cute.

The little fan group's lack of stage fright and the cute and cute appearance of the elves also won the heartfelt admiration and love of all the guests present.

"It's so cute!"

"Little sister is so beautiful! Mom, I like her so much!"

"Then work harder and marry your little sister home as a wife in the future, okay?"

"it is good!"

Little Bobby couldn't help curling his lips when he heard the conversation between the mother and daughter.

How delusional!

The little powder ball is his!his!his!No one wants to snatch her from him!

At the beginning of the banquet, Si Kouyao was still a little worried. Will the little fan group be afraid and cry after seeing so many guests?

But now looking at the little guy's cute black eyes, he knew that she was not afraid at all.

Not only is he not afraid, looking at the appearance of this little guy, he is also very curious about the environment with so many people.

(End of this chapter)

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