Doting Marriage Burns: Daughter-in-law is too sturdy

Chapter 999 Immortal Emperor’s Suspicion 2

Chapter 999 Immortal Emperor’s Suspicion 2
Yang Hao's eyes flickered, and he also politely replied, "Shangxian Feiyu, walk slowly, we will meet later!"

Si Kou Yu smiled faintly at him, flew to the door of the old ancestral hall, and knocked lightly on the door.

The door of the old ancestral hall opened...

Yang Hao watched Si Kou Yu greet the gatekeeper boy like this, and went straight into the ancestor's hall without hindrance.

Yang Hao looked shocked.

This Fei Yu Shangxian, he is really a member of the Ancestral Hall?
Could it be that there was something wrong with his always sensitive instinct?In fact, there is nothing wrong with this person at all?
Yang Hao, who couldn't figure it out for a moment, came back to his senses and hurried back to the Immortal Palace.

He reported the new situation he discovered to his father-in-law, the Immortal Emperor, in detail.

After listening to Yang Hao's report, the Immortal Emperor's face was dark, and he fell silent for a long time.

Yang Hao saw that the emperor had a serious face, so he didn't dare to disturb him, and just stood quietly, waiting for him to speak again.

After a while, the Immortal Emperor raised his eyes to look at Yang Hao again, and asked with a serious face, "Hao'er, if I remember correctly, before Si Kou Yu's accident, did he also say that he was going to the ghost?" Realm to find his wife, so that he can go to the Immortal Realm to go through customs clearance procedures for changing realms?"

Yang Hao nodded, "It seems so."

The Immortal Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked him again, "Then tell me, before Qingjue took Si Kou Yao to the Ancestral Hall, and right after that, this Shangxian named Fei Yu went to the ghost world, and then came back from the ghost world." , is there any connection between this?"

Yang Hao frowned, and replied softly, "Father, my son-in-law remembers that there never seemed to be an old slave named Fei Yu in the Ancestral Hall! Where did this Fei Yu Shangxian come from? We are Didn't check it out?"

The Immortal Emperor sighed softly, "Since he can enter the Ancestral Hall openly, it proves that he is indeed a member of the Ancestral Hall! The people in the Ancestral Hall are protected by the Ancestor, do you dare to investigate?"

Suddenly, the Immortal Emperor seemed to have thought of something, sat up straight suddenly, and gasped for breath.

"I understand!"

The Immortal Emperor suddenly slapped the table in anger, and with a "bang", the whole table was shattered in an instant, and the crumbs flew wildly outward.

Yang Hao was so frightened that his heart trembled, he knelt down hastily, "Father, calm down!"

Although he didn't know what the Immortal Emperor said "I understand", what exactly he understood, but he could tell from the Immortal Emperor's angry expression that this would definitely not be a good thing!

The Immortal Emperor suddenly laughed wildly, tears came out of the laughter, and then fell back to the dragon chair, whimpering like a wounded old animal, "Old Ancestor, Ancestor, you are really deceiving people too much! You are deceiving people too much ah!!!"

After hearing this, Yang Hao was inexplicable.

He didn't know the real reason why the fairy queen was obliterated by the ancestor, so naturally he didn't know why the emperor said that the ancestor was deceiving too much at this time?

The reason why the fairy queen was obliterated by the ancestor, the immortal emperor dared not tell the truth about it.

At that time, he only said this to his eldest daughter, Princess Luluo, and told Princess Luluo to keep this matter in her heart and not think about revenge.

The Immortal Emperor told the outside world that the Immortal Queen was attacked by a berserk ancient beast when she was out, and died tragically.

But now, the Immortal Emperor thought of that possibility, the possibility that Si Kou Yu was still alive, and he felt that his previous behavior was particularly ridiculous.

He felt that he was like a clown being toyed with, the hatred was overwhelming!

 PS: Add another chapter, thank you for the rewards and votes, I love you, happy Valentine's Day~
(End of this chapter)

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