Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1112: Ink Clan Strength 1

Chapter 1112: Ink Clan Strength 1
Whether it is the treasures seen with naked eyes or the treasures buried deep in the ground, Xiaoyue's eyes are dazzled.

Although Xiaoyue is not as greedy as the Dragon Clan, when he saw so many treasures, he was a little uneasy.

"Master, move all these treasures back to the Zilan space!" Xiaoyue thought of putting all these treasures into the Zilan space based on the principle of passing by and never missing them.

But, this time, it won't work!
Zi Qing couldn't understand the poison on these treasures, so she didn't dare to act rashly.

"Huh? Master, where have I seen the poison on this treasure?" Feng's somewhat surprised voice came from Zilan's space.

Ever since Xiaobai and Xiaoqing had a fight, they hid and went to practice hard. Xiaobai knew that if the power in Ziqing's body could not be suppressed, he would be abused by Qinglong, so he had to Take advantage of this time period to improve your own strength.

Therefore, at this time, Zi Qing couldn't see Xiao Bai's figure at all, and didn't know what kind of poison was on this treasure.

Zi Qing has read so many medical books and poison books, but she has never discovered such other poisons.

This kind of poison, seeing blood seals the throat, once he touches these treasures, then his soul will definitely return to the west, and there will be absolutely no accidents.

But, now, all of a sudden, Feng actually recognized this toxin, like a flower in the dark.

Although it still has a trace of uncertainty, Zi Qing believes that this trace of uncertainty is its reservation, and it must have noticed it.

"Feng, it doesn't matter if I'm wrong, let's wait and see what happens!" These treasures, naturally, Zi Qing will not touch them now, but it doesn't mean that she has no thoughts about these treasures, so it's only temporary The ground doesn't move.

"If my guess is right, this poison is aimed at the dragon clan. It's called Destroying Dragon Poison!" Only then will the memory be so deep.

"Dragon Destruction Poison, is this poison aimed at the dragon clan?" If this is the case, then this Yunwu Valley is too unusual.

It's no wonder that so many treasures are displayed here, no one dares to touch them.

"Master, if my estimate is correct, there are dragons in this place!" Feng expressed the suspicion in his heart.

If the dragon poison is there, then the dragon clan must be there. In order to poison the dragon clan, so many treasures were deliberately poisoned. In this way, those dragons can only draw cakes to satisfy their hunger, and hope for plums to quench their thirst!
"Master, those treasures underground are not poisonous, it's just..." Xiaoyue looked at the ground anxiously, but there was nothing she could do.

Although the underground treasures are not poisonous, they can't get them up. There are restrictions on those treasures. If it weren't for its innate supernatural powers, they might not be able to see these treasures.

"Forget it, we don't force it, what is ours is ours, and what is not ours can't be taken away!" Zi Qing was very calm, although there were not too many treasures, but he still had his life to enjoy these treasures.

These dragon-destroying poisons can poison even dragons, let alone her, so after hearing the words "destroying dragon poison", Zi Qing completely gave up.

"Xiaoyue, you'd better feel it, is there any evil aura here?" As a divine beast, it must absorb the positive energy between the heaven and the earth, and naturally, it can perceive the power that it cannot perceive itself!
(End of this chapter)

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