Poison doctor witch

Chapter 114 The person waiting for Misty Valley 1

Chapter 114 The person waiting for Misty Valley 1
If Zi Qing knew at this time that the reason why Ling Haoran was so active this time was to get her the Beauty Fruit, maybe she would not be so active.

However, it can also be seen from this, how much Ling Haoran loves Zi Qing!

When Zi Qing and the two walked towards the river, those people who hadn't had time just looked at the two of them with vigilance in their eyes.

Previously, although they had scruples about what they said, they didn't take Ling Haoran seriously, so it didn't matter if Ling Haoran listened to them, but they didn't expect that Ling Haoran would leave and come back in a blink of an eye, and even brought a people come over.

Fortunately, when everyone saw Zi Qing's aura, the vigilance in their eyes faded.

It's really that Zi Qing has a harmless animal face, and at this moment, she is only a Huang-level spirit person, and she is not afraid at all, so everyone thinks that the two of them don't exist.

"Ouch..." Suddenly, the sound of vomiting came from the crowd, and there were reactions one after another. The faces of the people turned pale, and dirty things kept vomiting out of their throats.

"This is..." Ling Haoran looked at everyone in surprise when he saw the appearance of the crowd.

"Poisoned!" The three light words made everyone present tremble, with killing intent in their eyes.

Did they miss it this time?

The whole body is limp, unable to lift a bit of strength, if they want to kill them at this time, then it is really easy.

Seeing the undisguised killing intent in everyone's eyes, Zi Qing smiled slightly, "Do you think I poisoned you?"

Isn't that what everyone looks like?

However, what they didn't know was that the reason why they were poisoned was nothing more than eating the river water here, and the reason why she and Ling Haoran were fine was because they took the detoxification pill.

"Little girl, if you can detoxify our poison, then our Misty Valley will honor you as our honored guest!" A middle-aged man among these people said, obviously, this middle-aged man is the leader of this group of people , is also the person who can see the facts clearly.

"Second uncle..." The young man on the side obviously didn't agree with what the middle-aged man said, but after seeing the staring eyes of the middle-aged man, he could only swallow back what he wanted to say, but his eyes were He stared at Zi Qing fiercely.

"Piaomiao Valley? Valley of Artifact Refining?" Zi Qing had heard of Piaomiao Valley when she was a princess, but she had never been in contact with it, but she never thought that she would meet them here.

Piaomiao Valley is not just a valley. It is said that there is a group of spirit masters and warriors who mainly refine weapons. The weapons they refine are definitely at the mysterious level. As for some people, they can even refine heavenly weapons. Come.

However, all along, the people of Misty Valley have never gone out or contacted the outside world, but this time, they actually appeared in the Dream Forest, which made Zi Qing curious about their purpose of coming here.

Hearing Zi Qing's words, the eyes of the middle-aged man Bai Liming flickered, but he didn't expect that the little girl in front of him would have heard of their Misty Valley.

"Yes, if the little girl can undo the poison on us, then I, Bai Liming, promise that we, Piaomiaogu, will treat you as our honored guest, and even refine a heavenly weapon for you!" Bai Liming threw the weapon again. It's not enough to lay down the bait, and it's not enough to be a guest, but you can even get a heavenly weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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