Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1142 Was Misled 1

Chapter 1142 Was Misled 1
Originally, she held a trace of apology, but now, after seeing this scene, she didn't have any trace of apology at all, because they are damned!

Among these skeletons, bodies that have not yet grown up can be found everywhere. Seeing this scene, even after experiencing the death of the battlefield, I can't bear to look directly at it.

With so many bones and such strong resentment, they didn't know what to say!
"Zi Qing, is this the reason for the demonic nature in Yuetong's body?" Li Xing is a smart person, they didn't find anything that released the demonic nature, but now, this inexplicable place allowed him to quickly connect the two .

"If the resentment here can be evolved, then Yuetong and the queen will be fine!" Now, she finally understands why there is a demon in Yuetong's body. To be precise, it is resentment, soaring resentment.

In this place, Yuetong and the Empress must have appeared, otherwise, they would not be contaminated with resentment, and this resentment penetrated into their bodies, trying to control their bodies and let them use it for it.

Of course, this is probably also a conspiracy of the Mo Dynasty, using the resentment here to make the Yunlu Dynasty bow their heads and proclaim themselves ministers!

Zi Qing could imagine that Li Xing and Li Shao might not be unexpected, so at this moment, the faces of the two of them became quite ugly.

"How can we get rid of such a strong resentment!" After all, they belonged to the Yunlu dynasty, so they couldn't stay here for a long time, even if their appearance may not be recognizable at this time.

Of course, the most important point is that the city lord in the city lord's mansion naturally felt the battle they caused.

Therefore, at this time, the city lord of this town and the distinguished guests he invited rushed to where they were when they were filled with resentment.

"Hey... free labor is here!" After Zi Qing finished speaking, she moved her fingers slightly, and beams of light came out from her fingertips and penetrated into the bodies of everyone present.

In an instant, everyone realized that their bodies seemed to have disappeared. At that moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Zi Qing became very strange.

Invisibility, Zi Qing actually knows the long-lost invisibility, and not only has she learned it by herself, she can even make people around her invisible to a large extent.

It has to be said that this scene still shocked them quite a bit.

However, as the people arrived, the shock in their eyes turned into horror.

"How could it be him?" The first one who couldn't help it was Li Shao. When he saw the man next to the city lord, the shock in his eyes was already full of fright.

Similarly, Shao Yibo's eyes were filled with astonishment, because he never expected to see him here!

"Sure enough, it's not a good guy!" Li Xing's eyes were full of contempt, and when he looked at the person, killing intent emerged.

"He...how did he appear here?" The last sentence came from Zi Qing's mouth. Obviously, Zi Qing also knew the person, and not only did he know him, but he even knew him a lot.

Hearing Zi Qing's words, the three of Li Xing looked at Zi Qing in surprise at the same time, "You know him too?"

Logically speaking, Zi Qing wouldn't know him at all, he was the elusive type, but now, Zi Qing obviously knew him!

"Shouldn't I know each other?" Zi Qing was a little curious about the expressions of the three of them, this expression was too weird!
Shouldn't we know each other?
But, she really knew him!

(End of this chapter)

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