Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1144 Was Misled 3

Chapter 1144 Was Misled 3
The power of evil has actually started to spread out in a large area. If it is not contained, it will be bad.

The strong person is quite sensitive to the evil force. At this time, if this evil force is not suppressed, it will definitely attract the strong man's attention.

Once it is noticed by the strong, the previous efforts of this city will be in vain.

No, absolutely not!
However, even if they have the means to reach the sky, it is impossible to suppress this evil force, because this time the person who made the move was not someone else, but Mo Ranchen.

Mo Ranchen's attack will definitely not leave them any chance to save them, so this town is naturally exposed to everyone's sight.

"Ranchen, this move is really powerful!" No wonder Mo Ranchen wants to say that his heart is not ruthless, compared to him, he is indeed not ruthless.

In this way, it was completely exposed!
"Zi Qing, is Yue Tong going to be okay?" Even ordinary people could sense the evil power rising into the sky, let alone cultivators like them.

Li Xing's expression turned ugly when he felt the evil power rising from the sky.

Originally thought that although the Mo family had ambitions, they would not do anything out of the ordinary, but they did not expect that they would practice magic skills secretly.

Such a strong evil power must not have started in the recent period, it is obviously accumulated over time.

They have already started a long time ago.

"No!" Zi Qing is very confident about her medical skills, and this resentment has dissipated, so the demonic nature in their bodies will naturally dissipate as well.

"That's good, that's good!" As long as Yuetong is fine, then everything is easy to talk about.

"Zi Qing, after I go back this time, I will definitely tell the emperor that the Mo family practiced magic arts, and their hearts are to be punished!" Needless to say, Li Xing at this time is telling Zi Qing that his Decide.

This time, even if Zi Qing didn't speak, Li Xing would stand behind her.

Because, in his opinion, there is no need for the existence of the Mohist Dynasty!
"Zi Qing, after you go back this time, can you see if you can go to the palace?" Her own mother was still waiting for Zi Qing to make a move.

Although until now, he still doesn't know what happened to his mother, but one thing is certain, after taking Ziqing's medicine, his mother became a little more angry.

"Okay!" She did have to go to the imperial palace, and after this trip, perhaps, she could leave Yunlu Continent and formally break with Tianji Pavilion and the Mo Dynasty.

Afterwards, what will happen here is not what they want to consider at all, Zi Qing and others soon returned to Yunwu Valley.

"You stay here, and once the soldiers of the Mo Dynasty come over, they will be killed!" Li Xing will not give the Mo Dynasty a chance to counterattack, he must directly take them down before they counterattack.

"Yes!" These are Li Xing's personal guards with extraordinary strength, so keeping them here can be regarded as making the best use of everything.

This time, Li Xing is considered a fire, and the Mo Dynasty must be punished!
When Li Xing summoned the blue bird again and asked Zi Qing and others to sit on it, Zi Qing refused, and they arranged for the return trip by themselves, so they didn't need to sit on the back of the blue bird.

"Zi Qing, you won't go back with us?" Seeing Zi Qing's refusal, disapproval flashed in Li Shao's eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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