Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1146 Was Misled 5

Chapter 1146 Was Misled 5
"Pitaya, run away!" As soon as Zi Qing said this, everyone present was stunned, and looked at Zi Qing in surprise.

Dragon fruit, run away!

If these words hadn't come from Zi Qing's mouth, then they would definitely laugh out loud.

Although there are not a few plants that become refined, according to their understanding, it is impossible for a spiritual plant like dragon fruit, but now Zi Qing's words are telling them that dragon fruit has also become refined.

"Chasing!" In order to know the truth, he could only chase after the dragon fruit.

What is exciting for Zi Qing and others is that the faster they are, the faster the dragon fruit running in front of them will be. It is said that if you are fast, I will be fast, and if you are slow, I will be slow. This speed completely catches up with No!

"It doesn't seem to be a dragon fruit!" If it is really a dragon fruit, then he has already sensed it, but now, at such a distance, he still has not noticed the breath of a dragon fruit, so it is not a dragon fruit!
Mo Ranchen is quite sure about this. He still knows about his own strength. If the dragon fruit is really in front of him, then he has already felt it, but now, he really hasn't found anything.

"Have I been misled?" If she wasn't the only one who felt it, then there might be other situations, but now, obviously, she was the only one who felt it, and the only possibility was that she was misled.

This is, why did you choose Ziqing instead of others?
Because among them, Zi Qing has the lowest strength.

Of course, if you insist on pulling a person with low strength, then it belongs to Lin Tian. However, Lin Tian has dragon blood in his body, so naturally, it is another matter.

"It's very possible, perhaps, what you perceive is not the breath of dragon fruit, but something else!" Mo Ranchen's words made Zi Qing frowned, and was suddenly a little puzzled.

She can't perceive the dragon fruit's breath wrongly. If she insists on saying something wrong, then she is so uncertain.

"Master, there is another fruit that smells like dragon fruit!" Finally, he couldn't help but speak, and Xiao Bai's voice reached Zi Qing's ears.

"There is another kind of fruit that is comparable to dragon fruit, and it is even better than dragon fruit for the temptation of dragons!" Xiaobai really does a lot of exciting things. , It's starting to whet your appetite again.

However, this time, Zi Qing was not in such a hurry, and asked along with Xiao Bai's words, because she knew that even if she didn't say anything, Xiao Bai would take the initiative to speak.

Sure enough, Xiaobai spoke. Although he waited for a little while, the effect was still very significant.

"It's Dragon Spirit Fruit!" Xiaobai said four simple words.

Dragon Spirit Fruit is an irresistible temptation for the Dragon Clan.

However, under normal circumstances, the dragon spirit fruit will not appear. If it does appear, it must be accompanied by its companions!
But now, obviously, there is no companion creature of the Dragon Spirit Fruit here, so the possibility of it being the Dragon Spirit Fruit is very low.

However, sometimes, some accidents will obviously happen, for example, right now!

"Ranchen, Xiaobai said it might be the Dragon Spirit Fruit!" Zi Qing knew very little about the Dragon Spirit Fruit.

"Dragon Spirit Fruit, this thing is good!" If it is really Dragon Spirit Fruit, then their trip is worthwhile!
(End of this chapter)

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