Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1226: The Good Show Begins 5

Chapter 1226: The Good Show Begins 5
"You're going to see each other!" Before Mo Xiajian came, he knew that Tianjizi would make an opinion, but he didn't think it would be this opinion.

The toxins in his body are very uncommon. Even he may not be sure that he can remove the toxins in his body. If it were any other time, he would definitely not even glance at it. But now, the Golden Corpse Demon, He is determined to win.

If he missed this opportunity, he didn't know that he would have to wait until the year of the monkey to find the whereabouts of the golden corpse demon.

Even if he meets the golden corpse demon, he will not be an opponent!
Therefore, he must get such a thug.

"Cross-legged well, I'll heal your wounds!" Mo Xiajian frowned, then spoke!

Mo Xiajian's words made Tianjizi smile, and he knew that Mo Xiajian would compromise, because no one can remain calm after facing the golden corpse demon.

Even the treacherous and cunning Mo Xiajian is no exception!

Of course, Mo Xiajian is not a fool, when he heard what Tianjizi said, he immediately healed him, but because he knew that Tianjizi's serious injury was not caused by manpower, but by other things .

For this thing, he naturally thought of the Golden Corpse Demon, so he didn't ask any more questions about Tian Jizi's words, and started to heal Tian Jizi's wounds.

This is probably a typical wise man who is bound to lose something if he thinks about it!

Mo Xiajian was very scheming, but he didn't realize that one day, someone would treat him like this!

Tianjizi's injury was indeed not caused by manpower, but it was not done by the golden corpse demon either. The golden corpse demon does not have any combat power at this time!
Unfortunately, Mo Xiajian didn't know!
He cleverly thought that Tianjizi's injury came from the golden corpse.

As everyone knows, not at all!

Of course, another important point is that the magical power of Tianjizi made Mo Xiajian even more believe that it was the work of the golden corpse demon.

However, he didn't know that the magical power on Tianjizi was due to his own blood problems.

Mo Xiajian is smart. He was confused for a while in his life, and if he was so confused for a while, what awaited him was an extremely tragic price.

It's a pity that the current him is still dreaming a dream, dreaming a dream of being able to contract a golden corpse demon!

Similarly, Tianjizi is also calculating at this time, calculating step by step!

It's a pity that the current him doesn't know that while he is scheming others, he is also being schemed by Zi Qing.

Tianjizi calmed down, began to secretly accumulate energy, and began to detoxify.

As time passed by, the toxins in Tianjizi's body not only failed to be eliminated, but tended to go towards his organs.

Fortunately, Mo Xiajian regained his strength in time, otherwise, he would have been infected by the toxin.

"What a domineering toxin, how did you get infected with this toxin?" Mo Xiajian also felt a sense of dread at this moment, if he hadn't seen that the situation was wrong, he quickly withdrew his power back into his body, otherwise, at this time, he Also like Tianjizi.

Tianjizi's expression became more and more ugly at this time. He originally thought that Mo Xiajian would definitely be able to remove the toxin, but he didn't know that the toxin had a tendency to become worse and worse.

"The toxin was accidentally contaminated when I saw the golden corpse demon!" Tian Jizi is a smart person, of course he would not tell the whole story of what happened three days ago, he picked it up Say what you can say!
(End of this chapter)

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