Poison doctor witch

Chapter 126 Inexplicable Cyclone

Chapter 126 Inexplicable Cyclone
How could someone absorb such a huge spiritual energy without exploding, even if it was him, I'm afraid it would not work.

You know, at this moment, he is already a purple-level powerhouse, one step away, he can break through the purple level and enter the god level, but even so, he can't face so much aura.

If so much spiritual energy had entered his body, he would definitely not be as calm as Zi Qing.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed it.

At this time, he also found that all the spiritual energy around them had been absorbed by Zi Qing, and there was nothing left. That is to say, those who practiced next to her could not get a trace of spiritual energy at all.

Surprised, terrified, shocked.Various expressions flashed across Bai Liming's face.

What kind of person is Zi Qing?

Zi Qing was already in samadhi, completely unaware of the fluctuations in Bai Liming's heart at this time, even if she knew, she didn't know how to answer.

Her bloodlines have been stimulated, and her cultivation speed has naturally increased, but what made her extremely depressed was that when her bloodlines were activated, several cyclones inexplicably appeared in her body, and every time she absorbed spiritual power into the In the body, those cyclones will compete for this spiritual energy, so that she can't hit the green level at all.

No matter how much spiritual power her body absorbs, it will be taken away by these cyclones. The more spiritual power she absorbs, the more they absorb, and it is like a bottomless pit that cannot be filled at all. If this continues, her strength can only stay at yellow grade.

However, there is one thing that makes her satisfied. Although she can't break through the yellow rank, her strength has improved somewhat. At least, she found that she can fight against the green rank spirit without losing, and even fight against the green rank spirit.

"Xiaobai, what's the matter with the cyclone in my body?" Zi Qing took advantage of this moment to ask Xiaobai in the contract space, how could she not make more use of Xiaobai's mobile library.

"You just need to remember that you can only advance if you fill the cyclone completely. As for what's going on, I don't know!" It's because Xiaobai doesn't want to say more, it's not that he doesn't know.

Hearing Xiaobai's words, the corner of Ziqing's mouth twitched, feeling like asking for trouble.

Filling the cyclones is definitely a huge project. At least, the cyclones in the body have not yet had a trace of spiritual energy to live in. If you think about how much spiritual power is needed to fill these cyclones.

Thinking of this, Zi Qing felt that it was necessary for her to enter the Zilan space to practice. The spiritual power in the Zilan space was much purer than the spiritual power outside, but now, even if she wanted to enter, it was impossible!
She had no choice but to absorb the spiritual power from the outside world.

When Zi Qing was practicing, everyone sitting beside her stopped, not because they didn't want to practice, but because they were not given the possibility to practice at all.

Zi Qing sucked away all the spiritual power, they really had no spiritual power to absorb.

When they realized that this vision was caused by Zi Qing, everyone's mouths were wide open, and they looked stunned.

Tough, at this moment they only have these two words to describe Zi Qing.

Some have seen a person who can absorb all the spiritual energy of the world, and the most important thing is that after absorbing so much spiritual energy, he still looks like he has nothing to say, this is too powerful!
Sure enough, he is worthy of being their destined person in Misty Valley!
(End of this chapter)

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