Poison doctor witch

Chapter 13 Unbelievable

Chapter 13 Unbelievable
Luo Tianque, Mo Linghan's good friend!
Luo Tianque, the prime minister's son, is extremely talented and personable.

But, why did he appear in this small town?
At the moment when he saw Luo Tianque, Zi Qing thought a lot in his mind.

When passing by, Zi Qing's hand was held by Luo Tianque, "Little girl, wait!"

Luo Tianque shot decisively, but his actions were comparable to those of a rascal. If Zi Qing was an ordinary girl, she would have screamed by now, even though she was still a ten-year-old child.

It's a pity that she is not an ordinary girl. When Luo Tianque took her hand, she just glanced at him, then shook her hand and continued to move forward.

However, Luo Tianque did not let Ziqing go, and took her forward hand again, "Little girl, I treat you to dinner!" Seeing Ziqing in tattered clothes, Luo Tianque frowned slightly.

Eat peat!
This is what Zi Qing wanted to say most at this time. Of course, she could only speak secretly in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, "Young master, please let go. , damage my innocence!" Zi Qing deliberately emphasized the word "innocence".

Hearing Zi Qing's words, the corners of Luo Tianque's mouth twitched, and he was a little speechless. No matter how hungry he was, he wouldn't look at this dry-stir-fried green beans. It's really hard to swallow with such a body.

"Little girl, I am in a good mood. I just want to treat you to dinner. You don't need to think too much!" Luo Tianque also specially emphasized the word "think more", intending to show that Zi Qing is whimsical.

When Zi Qing heard Luo Tianque's words, she couldn't help rolling her eyes. She really didn't expect that Luo Tianque would have such a side. Although she had had contact with him before, she hadn't had any in-depth contact with him. It can be said that she just nodded. pay.

However, in her impression, he is not such an unreliable person.

"Okay, sir!" Zi Qing slightly moved his body to the side, motioning for Luo Tianque to lead the way. This change of Zi Qing caught Luo Tianque by surprise.

Judging from the reaction just now, Zi Qing would never agree, but now, she changed her mind so quickly, why?
It's not that Luo Tianque has no eyesight. Earlier, he felt that something was wrong with Zi Qing, which was why he made such Meng Lang's actions. Of course, there was another part of the reason, he didn't treat Zi Qing as a woman.

However, now, Zi Qing's sudden change of style made him somewhat unacceptable.

"My lord, don't you want to invite me to dinner? Why don't you leave? I'm really hungry! Cuckoo." At the right time, Zi Qing's stomach groaned a few times in cooperation.

From morning until now, she was really hungry. Since someone who was taken advantage of her came to her door, she would not eat for nothing.

"Let's go!" Luo Tianque flicked his robe and walked forward, with a deep light shining in his eyes.

Sitting on the window sill, looking at Luo Tianque and Zi Qing's Ye Wushuang who walked towards him, the corners of his lips raised slightly. Although he didn't hear what they were saying, he still guessed something from their body language. Ye Wushuang smiled slightly at the deflated Luo Tianque.

When Zi Qing followed Luo Tianque into the box and saw Ye Wushuang, her eyes widened slightly again!
Ye Wushuang, it's unbelievable that he would appear in this small town!
As the two of them, being able to condescend to appear in this small city definitely has an ulterior purpose!
(End of this chapter)

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