Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1314 The Mo Dynasty’s Fall 3

Chapter 1314 The Mo Dynasty’s Fall 3
At this time, the Mo family's dynasty can be said to be under the enemy's front and rear. Perhaps Mo Xiajian never thought that all the dynasties would unite. In his mind, his corpse attack would be all-powerful. Even if the dynasty could not be destroyed, it would be severely injured.

But now, although the dynasties have suffered a certain degree of damage, they have not been seriously injured.

Under the blessing of the Xuanyin formation, the corpses sent by Mo Xiajian were completely powerless within the Xuanyin formation, and one dead person after another died under the Xuanyin formation.

Once the Xuanyin Formation is released, there is absolutely no possibility of the corpse surviving!
"Mo Linghan, the Mo Dynasty has perished!" Zi Qing had brought Mo Linghan back to the Mo Family Palace, and let him watch the Mo Dynasty gradually perish under the alliance of many dynasties.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" There was despair in Mo Linghan's eyes, seeing with his own eyes the Mo family's dynasty being eroded and destroyed bit by bit, he really couldn't accept this situation!
However, he has nothing to do, he is powerless!
By the way, grandpa!
He is powerless, but the ancestor Mo Xiajian can, if anyone can save the Mo Dynasty, then only Mo Xiajian, only Mo Xiajian can bring the Mo Dynasty back to life!
Mo Linghan called out to Mo Xiajian from the bottom of his heart, but unfortunately, he didn't get any response. At the beginning, before leaving, Mo Xiajian specially gave him something, so that he could exchange Mo Xiajian when he was in danger.

Until now, Mo Linghan was reluctant to use it, but now, he has to use it, he can't just sit and watch the Mo clan fall!

However, what disappointed him was that no matter how much he yelled, he didn't get any response from Mo Xiajian. Could it be that, as Zi Qing said, Mo Xiajian couldn't protect himself?
If this is the case, then the Mo Dynasty is really about to be destroyed!

How to do?
He has always been proud of the Mo Dynasty. From birth to consciousness, he has been working hard to become an emperor. Now he is about to ascend the throne and become the real ruler of the Mo Dynasty, but he finds that the Mo Dynasty To be swallowed by other dynasties.

Such a mood, who can understand!

Who can experience such ups and downs of mood!
At this moment, Mo Linghan's eyes were full of despair!

Why did God treat him like this, even if he was allowed to be in power for a day, but now, he didn't even sit on the throne, and just watched the Mo family's dynasty fall like this!

How could this be!

The breath of despair was released from Mo Linghan's body at this moment. If he had been desperate before, then he would still feel that there was a sliver of hope, but now, from now on, there is no sliver of hope!
"Zi Qing, is the Mo clan's dynasty about to be destroyed?" Mo Linghan held the last glimmer of hope, the last glimmer of hope, the uneasiness in his eyes, the despair in his eyes was so strong.

Looking at Mo Linghan like this, Zi Qing didn't show any pity. The Mo clan's dynasty will perish, it has nothing to do with anyone, it's the Mo clan's own demise.

As for her, she just added fuel to the flames!
"It's not just the destruction of the Mo clan's dynasty, all the people in the Mo clan's palace will be killed!" Zi Qing said with murderous intent, she will never let people with the blood of the Mo clan go, she will never let anyone People threaten Mo Ranchen!

no way!

(End of this chapter)

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