Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1375 Worship Brothers 4

Chapter 1375 Worship Brothers 4
When they saw Song Keming walking towards Ziqing, everyone looked at Ziqing with displeasure for a moment. They all wanted to know what Song Keming would say to Ziqing?do what?
"Thank you!" Song Keming came to Ziqing, bowed to Ziqing, his eyes were full of sincerity.

When Song Keming bent down and bowed towards him, a smile flashed in Zi Qing's eyes. Sure enough, there was nothing wrong with her eyes. This Song Keming was good.

As the lord of a city, although Tiankui City does not fight, at least he is a city lord. In front of so many people, he bowed his head to an unknown pawn. Such a thing is not something a city lord would do.

But he did it, because he gave him an opportunity to improve his strength, so he did it.

Not bad!
Compared to Jiang Xing, a hypocrite, Song Keming is really much better.

"You're welcome!" Zi Qing was not pretentious, and after accepting his bow, he took out a bottle of pills from the interspatial ring, poured out a pill from it, and handed it to Song Keming.

"Gu Yuan Dan, stabilize your strength!" After Song Keming's strength improved, the strength in his body was not stable. If time permits, he can still adjust his breath. However, Jiang Xing and Zhou Simin will definitely not give Song Keming this opportunity.

Therefore, Zi Qing sent out this opportunity!
Hearing Zi Qing's words, Song Keming was overjoyed immediately, and immediately swallowed the Guyuan Pill. As an alchemist, he naturally knew that Guyuan Pill was good.

"Zi Qing, thank you for your kindness. From now on, you will be my brother!" Song Keming smiled. At this time, he felt better than ever!

His strength has not only improved, but also stabilized, and he is all because of Zi Qing, he will not say thank you, he will only show it with practical actions!
As soon as the Guyuan pill refined by Ziqing entered the mouth, the power of the medicine began to circulate in the body. Naturally, Song Keming noticed it.

Seeing Song Keming's actions and hearing his words, Jiang Xing at this time was extremely remorseful.

He was the first to know Zi Qing, but now, he has no benefit at all. He knew Zi Qing's uniqueness, but he didn't grasp it. It was a mistake, it was a mistake.

Zhou Simin on the side looked at Zi Qing even more fieryly. She must get this man!
"Hehe...Brother Song!" Zi Qing smiled brightly, her eyes were clear, and she didn't feel like she was climbing a dragon or a phoenix at all.

The relationship between any person is very strange, just one glance will make you see each other right. Song Keming gave Zi Qing the feeling of a big brother. Therefore, Zi Qing did not object to Song Keming's words, and it was natural to say Big Brother said.

What Song Keming didn't know was how valuable Zi Qing's elder brother was, and he didn't know how much he had taken advantage of. Zi Qing's elder brother was not recognized by casual people. It means Mo Ranchen's elder brother.

Who is Mo Ranchen? He is the overlord of Xuanming Continent. If Song Keming knew at this time, his jaw would drop to the ground. Unfortunately, Song Keming didn't know at all.

When he knew it, it was a very late event. At that time, Song Keming's endurance was already quite good, and his heart had been trained by Zi Qing to be very strong. It was difficult for him to be shocked by ordinary things!

Even after learning that Mo Ranchen and Zi Qing are a couple, he didn't react, because in his opinion, this is a very common thing. Sure enough, people's potential is endless!
(End of this chapter)

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