Poison doctor witch

Chapter 141 Recovery 2

Chapter 141 Recovery 2
Interests are based on each other, and this time, she can be regarded as someone who has seen Misty Valley clearly.

Since she is about to be their master, they also have to show some slavishness. Originally, she can still delegate power. After all, she won't stay in this Misty Valley for too long.

However, after seeing their faces, Zi Qing had no such plans.

Delegating power means that she will lose complete control over this Misty Valley, so she will never make this mistake.

She will firmly control the rights of Misty Valley in her own hands.

She believes that they will not, because their souls are in her hands, as long as she has a single thought, they will completely disappear in this world.

The most urgent thing is to adjust the state of the body to the best.

With the help of Zixi, the time ratio of Zilan space has changed again.

After Zixi woke up from the samadhi, although her level still hadn't improved, she found that she was a hundred times more energetic. Compared with before, she found that her strength seemed to have improved again.

"Dong dong dong." It was getting late, and Bailifang knocked on the door of Zi Qing's room after realizing that there was still no movement in Zi Qing's room.

Although she didn't know why Zi Qing recovered after all her blood flowed out and her breath was gone, but the only thing she knew was that Zi Qing is now the master of their Misty Valley, her master, whether it was before Or now, she has to treat her well.

Bailifang took the freshly cooked Shiquan Dabu Tang, ready to give Zi Qing a good tonic.

"Come in!" When her spiritual sense saw that it was Bailifang, the corners of Zi Qing's lips parted unconsciously.

The trip to Misty Valley allowed her to meet such a good girl.

At first, Bailifang thought she was a choking pepper, but she didn't expect that she was such a gentle woman.

Just her yelling before she was completely unconscious left a lot of weight in Zi Qing's heart.

If she doesn't betray, then she will give her a lifetime of peace!
"Miss Ziqing, drink this, it's good for your health!" Bailifang handed the Shiquan Dabu soup to Ziqing.

When she saw that Zi Qing's face became rosy and shiny, she breathed a sigh of relief again. Looking at her face, she seemed to be fine.

"Is my brother okay?" During this whole day, I don't know how they dismissed Ling Haoran, but with Ling Haoran's personality, he must be in a hurry right now.

"Young Master Ling is fine, does Miss Zi Qing want to see Young Master Ling?"

"Well, please shout for me!" To Bailifang, Zi Qingdao unconsciously regarded her as Xiaotao, but Bailifang was much smarter than Xiaotao.

"Okay, Miss Ziqing, wait for a while!" After finishing speaking, Bailifang ran away like a gust of wind!

After reappearing, Ling Haoran had already followed behind Bailifang.

"Qing'er, are you okay!" Seeing Zi Qing sitting in the room with no trace of tiredness on his face, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm fine, let my brother worry!" Zi Qing took Ling Haoran's hand, let him sit aside, poured a glass of water and handed it to Ling Haoran.

"Huh?" After taking a sip of water, Ling Haoran looked at Zi Qing suspiciously, there was something wrong with the water.

"It's helpful to the body!" Zi Qing's lips squirmed slightly, and the sound transmission was sent to Ling Haoran.

"Bailifang, sit down too!" Similarly, Zi Qing also poured a glass of water for Bailifang. Of course, this time, it was not water from the Fairy Lake.

(End of this chapter)

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