Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1423 Meeting Ceremony 2

Chapter 1423 Meeting Ceremony 2
The black power hovered over Tiankui City, and the wind was blowing, and it lingered for a long time!

Seeing this scene, Zi Qing, Song Keming and others were stunned. What's going on?
This is where Tiankui City was occupied, but turned into an evil city!
"This...what happened?" Song Keming was dumbfounded when he saw this scene!
Is this still Tianhuai City?
No, this is definitely not Tiankui City!
However, even if they don't want to believe it, they can only believe that this is Tiankui City, the unique Tiankui City.

"The yin energy is very heavy!" Zi Qing's perception of the yin and evil energy is quite good. When she was not close to Tiankui City, she sensed the evil power, but she just didn't want to believe it.

Furthermore, the generation of these evil forces seems to be deprived from somewhere!
She didn't understand this point yet, so she didn't bring it up!

"Don't enter the city yet, let's wait and see!" Tiankui City is no longer the Tiankui City it used to be, so they can't just walk in rashly, otherwise, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous!

Song Keming calmed down when he heard Zi Qing's words. At first, seeing this scene, he really lost his mind. Fortunately, Zi Qing reminded him in time to wake him up.

"These evil spirits are very unusual!" Zi Qing looked at the evil spirits above Tiankui City, how could he feel familiar?
A familiar feeling arises spontaneously, it seems that a similar breath has been felt somewhere.

Wait, this seems to be the method of the Tianxiameng!
Back then, the place where the beast king's soul was sealed seemed to have such a breath.

Although the breath is different, but the same goal by different routes, in the end, it is still the same!

Could it be that the changes here are caused by the Tianxiameng again?
Thinking of this, Zi Qing became more and more sure!

Her feeling has never been wrong, and this time, it may be the same!
"Brother Song, how much do you know about the Tianxiameng?" As soon as Zi Qing said this, Song Keming frowned, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

Although this ray of light disappeared in a flash, it was still captured by Zi Qing!
Unusual, there is a problem!

Song Keming's reaction was very abnormal!

"Why do you ask that?" Song Keming looked at Zi Qing, his eyes flickering.

Zi Qing didn't speak, but looked up at the evil force above Tiankui City, needless to say, it already explained everything.

"As the number one force in the mainland, the Tianxia League is still coveting Tiankui City!" Song Keming didn't say much, but everything was revealed in this sentence.

Tiankui City didn't want to collude with the Tianxia League, so it became like this.

"Is Tianxiang success the same as Tianmocheng?" Considering Jiang Xing and Zhou Simin's character, I'm afraid they will agree!
But, this time, Zi Qing guessed wrong.

"Tianxiang City and Tianmo City both rejected it!" The conditions offered by Tianxiameng were too harsh, even for someone like Jiang Xing, he would not agree.

If the conditions were slightly relaxed, perhaps they would nod in agreement, but unfortunately, the conditions given by the Tianxia League are really unacceptable.

"Hehe..." Zi Qing sneered coldly, this is really the work of Tianxiameng!
Similarly, Song Keming also sneered. If he hadn't guessed what was going on before, then after Zi Qing said Tianxiameng, he knew that everything here was related to Tianxiameng!

(End of this chapter)

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