Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1434 Jun 1 Shot 1

Chapter 1434
Unable to use strength, it is difficult to suppress the strength in one's body in this inexplicable place, but even if it is difficult, it must be done.

Once this place releases its ability, it will definitely be a threat to itself, a great threat.

In addition, the breath here is very weird, if it is accidentally contaminated, the consequences will be unimaginable!

"Take one step at a time, Xiaohuo and Xiaobing, don't use any force if you have to!" Zi Qing also informed Xiaohuo and Xiaobing.

The three of Zi Qing walked all the way, and did not encounter any accidents. The quietness on the street at this moment made Zi Qing feel a little trembling.

"Xiaobai, are there any living people here?" Zi Qing's perception ability is good, but compared with Xiaobai, it is still slightly inferior.

"No, there are no living people in this city anymore!" The living people in their mouths are people who have not been infected with the evil power. If they are contaminated with the evil power, then even if they can really return to reality There is no way to restore them to normal.

Furthermore, the minds of people who have been infected with evil forces cannot be controlled by themselves, and the best way is to kill them.

It's just that they missed the best time at the beginning.

Perhaps, Song Keming's previous approach was right, but unfortunately, it is impossible to go back and start the formation now.

In addition, if Qin Ming and the others hadn't seen the situation clearly, they would never allow Song Keming to activate the formation.

At this moment, everyone is still struggling in the maze, and Zidao has already entered the center of Tiankui City.

As soon as he entered the center of the city, the power of evil became more and more intense.

"What are people from Tianxiameng doing?" Zi Qing didn't understand Tianxiameng's methods.

Tianxiamenggui is the number one force in the mainland. If they get together with evil cultivators, aren't they afraid that the crowd will rise up and attack them?

Or do they have nothing to fear and are not afraid of the unity of the world?
This point, Zi Qing really can't figure it out!
Hao Lianren is also considered a smart person, so he would not fail to consider this point. He must have certainty in doing this!

"Master, the power of yin and evil is more abundant than the awe-inspiring righteousness. If you can transform the yin and evil power into your own awe-inspiring righteousness, then..." Xiaobai didn't say what he said later, he knew Zi Qing Already know what I'm going to say.

The power of yin and evil was transformed into righteousness, if it hadn't been said from Xiaobai's mouth, Zi Qing would never have believed it, and now, he had to believe it.

Furthermore, she also had such an experience once, she is the blood of gods and demons, she can transform the power of demons into the power of gods, and naturally transform the power of evil and evil into righteousness, so it is not surprising.

"This kind of power transformation requires a lot of people. I'm afraid ordinary people can't do it. As for whether Hao Lianren can know, I guess he can!" If Hao Lianren can't do it, then he won't let people do it.

This approach is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also energy-consuming, especially it will completely destroy his good image that he has always had.

In fact, there is one thing that neither Zi Qing nor Xiao Bai guessed, that is, Hao Lianren needs to use evil power to restore his body.

Firstly, it was because of a mistake in his cultivation method, he had to change from cultivating grand righteousness to cultivating yin and evil power;
Secondly, he fought with Mo Ranchen, and was overwhelmed by Mo Ranchen, causing his body to urgently need external force to make up for his loss!
(End of this chapter)

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