Poison doctor witch

1441 - Underground Treasure 2

1441 - Underground Treasure 2
"Hehe... Don't you know that there is a treasure in Tiankui City?" Heitong smiled coldly. He didn't think that Zi Qing didn't know about it. If she didn't know, she wouldn't be here.

However, Hei Tong really guessed wrong, and Zi Qing really didn't know that there was a treasure underground in Tiankui City.

For the fact that there is a treasure in Tiankui City, Zi Qing would also like to thank Hei Tong. If he hadn't had too much confidence in her and believed that she also came for the treasure, I'm afraid he wouldn't have said so easily that there is a treasure here matter.

When Heitong saw Zi Qing saying that there was a treasure here, he suddenly realized that he knew that this time, he was completely wrong.

Unfortunately, it was too late, Zi Qing already knew that there was a treasure here.

However, Zi Qing doesn't believe it, it's just as simple as a treasure.

"There should be something in the treasure that you need, right?" If it was just a treasure, the people of Tianxia League would not be so laborious.

Although treasures are rare, the Tianxia League, as the number one force in the mainland, probably won't take treasures seriously.

There must be something else that Heitong is hiding!
Hei Tong shook his head when he heard Zi Qing's words, it wasn't that he wanted to hide it, but that he didn't know.

Seeing Hei Tong shaking his head, Zi Qing frowned, Hei Tong didn't know?
Surely he was willing to say it!
This time, Zi Qing really blamed Hei Tong by mistake!

Although Hei Tong's status in the Tianxia League is considered good, but this matter is a confidential matter, and he has no way of knowing at this level, so Hei Tong did not lie to her.

"Heitong, why do you want to be a running dog of the Tianxia League?" Heitong's formation skills are very good. If he devotes himself to cultivating his own formations, then becoming a generation of formation masters is not a dream at all. If he is a running dog of the League, he even practiced evil skills. Isn't this ruining his life?
Zi Qing's sudden change of subject made Heitong feel a little fundamental for a while, but he soon realized it.

When he heard that he was called a running dog, Hei Tong's face was full of anger, but he couldn't vent it for a while.

He is still afraid of the milky white light power on Zi Qing's palm.

This kind of power is even afraid of the power of evil, so let's not talk about him.

In terms of martial arts, he is either Zi Qing's opponent, even if he wants to use evil power to force Zi Qing back, he can't do it. Such an opponent is really terrifying.

Fortunately, Zi Qing didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue, otherwise, at this time, he probably wouldn't be standing here talking to Zi Qing.

"Hehe... If you can't even keep the most basic life, then don't talk about anything else!" He also had no choice but to look back on everything he had done, and he just wanted to keep his own life.

Just this one sentence, let Zi Qing understand a lot, Tianxiameng, it is really unusual.

Hao Lianren does have a way of controlling people!
"Release the formation here!" Song Keming and others are still in the maze. It's not that she can't solve the formation of the maze, but it's because Hei Tong committed this matter, so it's up to her to solve it. The main thing is that she also needs to deal with the evil forces hovering over Tiankui City.

This evil force, I am afraid that only she can solve it!

"Xiaobai, can you transform the evil power into the dark power?" If it can be converted, then it will be really auspicious, the dark cyclone in her body is still waiting to be filled by the dark power!
(End of this chapter)

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