Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1446 Merman Blood 1

Chapter 1446 Merman Blood 1
The name is not right, the words are not right?

Hearing Song Keming's words, Zi Qing was taken aback, and curiosity flashed in his eyes.

If she remembered correctly, the city lords of the Xuanming Continent were all appointed, not just as Song Keming said, with improper names and bad words!

The curiosity in Ziqing's eyes fell into Song Keming's eyes, and he sighed slightly, "This position is not mine, but it has something to do with me!" Song Keming said , Zi Qing clearly saw the pain in his eyes.

"The person who was appointed by the imperial court was my elder brother, a twin brother. Unfortunately, a few days before the appointment, he was killed by someone. For this position, my elder brother devoted a lot. When he died, at the last moment, Still thinking about this position, in order to let my brother swallow his last breath, I agreed to his request and became the city lord of Tiankui City!
In fact, the city lord is really meaningless to me, but the position of the city lord was obtained by my brother exhausting everything, and I can't let it be destroyed in my hands.

In addition, I also want to find out the murderer who assassinated my brother, but unfortunately, that person never showed up for so many years.

Even though I became the city lord, that person didn't show up. Even now, I still don't know who seriously injured my brother, making my brother unable to inherit the city lord position! "Song Keming's voice was full of hatred.

He has devoted a lot to the position of the city lord. Since he is in this position, he must give it his best. In addition, this position belongs to his brother, and he got it after exhausting his life. Therefore, he cannot be sorry for this position.

"The red bronze medal and the five-color stone were also given to you by your brother?" Since he didn't get his position, could she understand that the things he took out before were also given to him by his brother.

"I got the red bronze medal myself, and the five-color stone was indeed given to me by my brother!" When Song Keming answered Zi Qing's question, suddenly, as if thinking of something, his eyes became sharp.

All this time, he had never thought about this point, but now that Zi Qing mentioned it, he wondered whether his brother's accident was related to the five-color stone.

If he remembered well, when the people from the Tianxiameng came over, they didn't directly ask about the five-color stone, but turned many turns before mentioning the five-color stone. However, at that time, he didn't realize what they were talking about. Stone of five colors.

He also felt that the people from the Tianxiameng looked at him very strangely. Although he felt strange at the time, he didn't think about other aspects. Now that he thinks about it this way, it's weird!
Tianxiameng, his brother's death is probably related to the people of Tianxiameng.

Seeing Song Keming's eyes turned murderous, Zi Qing knew that he must have thought of the key point.

"Brother Song, it's a little difficult to get the treasures here!" Zi Qing looked at the treasures in the underground palace, his eyes were full of helplessness, this is the real possession of the treasure mountain, but he doesn't know how to use it.

All of these treasures have been poisoned, and for these poisons, at present, Zi Qing has no antidote to remove the poison from them.

Therefore, they can only look at these treasures. Fortunately, this place, so far, is just the two of them.

Just when Zi Qing had this idea, a human voice came from not far away...

(End of this chapter)

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