Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1460 Playing 3

Chapter 1460 Playing 3
In fact, there are rumors circulating in Xuanming Continent that one day, dragon people will subvert this continent and trample human beings under their feet.

For this rumor, at the beginning, everyone didn't believe it, because there were basically no dragon people on this continent, but what happened one day made them feel that this rumor might become true.

That day, the sky was still clear at first, but in the blink of an eye, there was loud thunder, lightning and thunder, and the whole world was shrouded in a layer of darkness, which was eerie and terrifying.

When the weather changes drastically, everyone knows that something is about to be conceived and born. At that moment, everyone is looking forward to it. It can change the color of the world, and the things conceived and born are absolutely extraordinary.

On this point, everyone guessed right.

The things that are conceived and born are indeed very unusual, but they also lead people into the endless abyss.

This conceived thing is nothing else, but the dragon man, the dragon man conceived by the combination of dragon and man.

The moment that dragon man was born, natural disasters broke out across the continent, killing and injuring countless people, and that dragon man also shocked them.

After they discovered that all the changes in the mainland were related to the dragon people, they tried every means to destroy the dragon people.

It's a pity that the parents of the dragon people are very powerful existences. The father of the dragon people is a golden dragon among the dragon clan, with terrifying power, and the mother of the dragon people also has a pivotal position in the human world.

Their strength is simply unable to compete with the golden dragon. In the previous battle, it took a lot of manpower and powerlessness to destroy the golden dragon couple.

When only the dragon man was left, they thought that killing the dragon man would be an easy task, but unfortunately, they were wrong.

It was precisely because they felt so that they were killed by the dragon people.

Although the dragon man was just born, his explosive power is extremely strong. I don't know if he is conscious, aware of the fact that they are going to kill him. When they approached him, his body erupted. A powerful force.

That power is simply not something they can resist!
That time, the loss was heavy, and basically none of the people who participated survived. Even if they survived, they were missing arms and legs, and became disabled. The dragon man lost his trace under the siege of many people.

Since then, the existence of this dragon man has never been seen again.

For this reason, human beings have nothing to do with him.

Fortunately, there is not only one dragonman on this continent, so everyone started to encircle and suppress the dragonman.

As long as they are dragon people, they will definitely not let them go.

However, the good times didn't last long, and when they were killing all directions, they finally angered the Dragon Clan.

Although the dragon clan also hates the dragon people very much, compared to humans, they will not kill the dragon people. At most, they will not let the dragon people enter the Dragon Valley.

As the dragons were wiped out one by one, the dragons finally drew their revenge, and a battle between the dragons and humans kicked off.

In the end, although mankind won, it also paid a heavy price.

After that, humans and dragons fell into a long cold war.

Fortunately, in the end, everyone took a step back and made promises to each other.

Humans won't kill dragon people, but they just promise not to kill dragon people, not anything else, which is why they beat dragon people so hard.

And the Dragon Clan will not drive humans to extinction!
The agreement was settled in this way, and the tragedy of the dragon people was doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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