Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1551 Unbelievable 4

Chapter 1551 Unbelievable 4
"Ahem... I don't need your protection, I will protect it!" Mo Ranchen couldn't help but speak, his woman doesn't need to give anyone her hands, she has his own protection.

"You?" Disdain once again flashed in the eyes of everyone after hearing Mo Ranchen's words.

"Of course!" Mo Ranchen put his arm on Zi Qing's shoulder, looking like a good brother.

"Am I so weak?" The potential meaning of Zi Qing's words is to say that she doesn't need anyone's protection, she can do it by herself.

It's just that her words fell into the ears of everyone, but it seemed that she was a bit artificial. They all said they wanted to protect her, but she was still so hypocritical. If this is the case, then there is no need for them to contribute.

"Oh..." Ming Ming sighed heavily, he really couldn't understand Zi Qing!
Afterwards, there was silence all the way, and Ming Ming didn't speak until Ran Tian's secret realm was outside.

"It will take about three months from the opening to the end of the Ran Tian Secret Realm. There is considerable danger inside. If you encounter trouble, crush this jade pendant and I will be there as soon as possible!" Zi Qing said before If he said that, he was telling them that the two of them would not act together with them. If that was the case, he could only give the jade pendant with a trace of soul power to Zi Qing.

Only in this way can he feel at ease!
"Thank you Ming City Lord!" Zi Qing didn't refuse, and held the jade pendant in her hand. Although it didn't matter to her whether she had the jade pendant or not, but now it seems that this Ming Ming is not bad!
"Let's go!" Mingming took out a piece of cyan iron and threw it into the air. In an instant, the door, which was only the size of a person, opened slowly.

"Let's go!" Ming Ming took the lead and entered the small gate. At the same time, everyone rushed towards the small gate.

At the same time, Zi Qing noticed that someone in the crowd also threw a cyan iron block, and at that moment, small doors loomed from the sky.

When Mingming took out the cyan iron, Zi Qing found that her piece of cyan iron was a little hot, even in Zilan's space, she could feel it.

"Let's go in and have a look too!" Mo Ranchen took Zi Qing's hand and entered Ran Tian's secret realm.

As soon as they entered Ran Tian's secret realm, they were covered with wind and sand, because they didn't expect that they would be greeted by a speck of dust. At that moment, Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen's bodies were covered with dust.

The two looked at each other, seeing each other's embarrassment, they burst into laughter.

This time, perhaps it was Mo Ranchen's embarrassment, if his image was seen by his subordinates at this moment, I don't know how he would laugh.

It seems that after being in contact with Zi Qing for a long time, he has become down-to-earth!
swoosh swish...

While Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen were laughing heartily, there was a whoosh whoosh sound from under the ground, immediately alerting the two of them.

This sound is very wrong!

"This is the Phoenix Ant!" Mo Ranchen pulled Zi Qing into the air the moment he heard the voice, and his eyes were full of surprise when he saw the Phoenix Ant appearing in front of them.

Phoenix ants?

How could it be in this place?

"This is the phoenix ants?" Zi Qing had never seen a phoenix ants, but he had seen them from ancient books.

At first, she thought it was just a legend, but she never thought that this legend could become a reality.

The phoenix ants, with the words huang and ants, as the name suggests, have the blood of phoenix and the blood of ants.

At that time, Zi Qing still couldn't believe it, how could the two be involved together!
It's just that she didn't realize it until she saw the explanation behind!
(End of this chapter)

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