Poison doctor witch

Chapter 16 No Longer a Burden

Chapter 16 No Longer a Burden
"Yes, we are going to Dream Forest, can you lead the way?" Luo Tianque did not miss the flash of excitement in Zi Qing's eyes.

The reason why they didn't rush to the Dream Forest was not because of their own strength, but because they heard that if they wanted to enter the Dream Forest, they had to be accompanied by a woman.

Women, for them, really only need to wave their hands to attract a group of people, but they don't need those who have evil intentions for them, so they are looking for someone who has no purpose for them.

The crowd searched for him thousands of times, and finally, they found Zi Qing!
However, what they don't know is that although Zi Qing doesn't like them, she still has a purpose for them.

"Why?" Zi Qing suddenly heard Luo Tianque's words, and was surprised for a moment. Logically speaking, there are absolutely too many people who want to lead them the way, but now, they let her lead the way. Here There must be some ulterior purpose.

"Don't you want to earn some extra money?" Luo Tianque would not tell her that it was because of the woman, but a high-sounding reason.

Of course Zi Qing would not believe his lame reason, but, extra money, she really wanted to make some money, at least it would save Ling Haoran so much effort.

There are many memories of Ling Haoran's hard work in her memory. Whenever she thinks about it, her eyes will get wet. With Ling Haoran's talent and strength, it is not a problem to become a student of Lingtian Academy, but because of her, in order to take care of her , he gave up the entrance examination to become Lingtian Academy.

And this year will be the last year to take the exam. If he misses it again, he will not be able to enter the highest school in Lingtian Continent for the rest of his life.

Thinking of this, Zi Qing's eyes darkened, he thought about her so much, this time, she also thought about him, if she was still the incompetent her, maybe she would accept his gift with peace of mind, but now, she It's not her anymore, she must not delay him because of herself!

"When are you leaving?" Zi Qing clenched his fists, saying that a strong man would starve to death with a bowl of rice. Now they really need money to improve their lives.

"Tomorrow!" Luo Tianque looked at Zi Qing who clenched his fists, wondering what she thought of in this short period of time, why did she feel like she was ready to go?

"Can I bring another person with me?" Zi Qing is going to the Dream Forest, and Ling Haoran absolutely wants to go with him. He will never put himself in danger, so she can only let him go with him.

"Who is it?" Ye Wushuang heard Zi Qing's words, his eyes flickered slightly.

"Brother!" When Zi Qing said the word "brother", his eyes were full of tenderness, and his whole body became warm.

This change caused Luo Tianque and Ye Wushuang's expressions to change slightly. Such a girl with teeth and claws became so tender when mentioning her brother. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have known it. believe.

"Okay, no problem, we will meet at this place tomorrow!" Luo Tianque agreed on a time, without taking his eyes off Ziqing.

"Is there anything else?" Zi Qing could no longer ignore Luo Tianque's visit.

"Aren't you afraid?" The fantasy forest is not accessible to ordinary people. You must know that it is full of dangers. Besides, they will not be the only ones entering the fantasy forest this time.

(End of this chapter)

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