Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1640 Variant Physique 3

Chapter 1640 Variant Physique 3
The test to enter the headquarters of the Genius League is actually very simple. You don't need to fight or kill, but you just need to press your hand on a transparent stone. When the colored lights behind the stone are displayed, if you meet the requirements, you can Enter the world alliance.

Of course, just entering the Tianxia League, as for entering the headquarters, the next test is still needed.

After the three of Zi Qing arrived, they only saw a long dragon with no end in sight. The number of people could no longer be counted.

"Ci Qizhi, is this place still full of evil spirits?" Once again in the capital, Zi Qing found that this time, the air in the capital seemed to have changed.

"Although the evil spirit is still there, it's not as strong anymore!" Ci Qizhi's eyes were full of strangeness when he said this.

He didn't forget that when he first arrived here, the evil spirit was so strong here. How could the evil spirit fade away after a few days? What's more, he also discovered that the whole city was originally shrouded in evil spirit, but now, not the whole city city.

Which joint is the problem?
He doesn't think that the evil spirit will automatically decrease. Someone must have noticed the problem and will restrain it!

Actually, this point is not as Ci Qizhi guessed.

It's not that someone noticed the problem and restrained themselves, but when they entered the city, they didn't control the evil energy and let it leak out. They were already working on restraining the evil energy, but they were still restrained by Mercy. Qizhi found out.

It can be said that it was definitely an accident before, so they put away the evil spirit in time.

However, what they didn't know was that it was because of this accident that Ci Qizhi felt the evil spirit here, which led to the subsequent series of inferences.

"It seems that they are on alert!" The evil spirit has been restrained, so it will be more difficult to find out the headquarters of the Tianxia League.

It seems that they can only enter the Tianxiameng through the test.

"What are these tests for?" Zi Qing looked at the test tablet behind the stone with curiosity in his eyes.

The power aroused in their bodies was not spiritual power, but a power she didn't know.

Although Xuanming Continent and Lingtian Continent have different methods of cultivation, they all lead to the same goal, and they are almost the same in the end. Now, on the test tablet, there is obviously a problem with strength.

"If there are no accidents, it should be vitality!" Mo Ranchen said after observing for a while.

At first, he didn't come out either, but now, he can be sure that the color displayed on the test tablet is related to vitality.

"Vitality? What is the Tianxiameng going to do?" The only requirement to enter the Tianxiameng is vitality. If the Tianxiameng had no conspiracy, it would not be justified at all, but they don't know why they want to test the vitality!

"Could it be that Qiao Yu's situation is similar?" Suddenly, they thought of Qiao Yu's existence.

Qiao Yu is a dead person, but because of some kind of power, he absorbed vitality and came back to life, and his strength is much stronger than before. If Tianxiameng is also cultivating someone like Qiao Yu, then...

The consequences are really unimaginable!
The three of Ziqing thought of this possibility, and in an instant, the backs of the three of them felt a little chilled, and an inconceivable color flashed in their eyes!

(End of this chapter)

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