Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1688 The Elixir of Immortality 3

Chapter 1688 The Elixir of Immortality 3
Hearing Zi Qing's words, Yang Chen heaved a sigh of relief, he was really afraid that the poison in his body would be detoxified and let others see it.

Since Zi Qing has this guarantee, he is not afraid.

If he was the only one, maybe he would take advantage of this time to escape from the White Tiger Empire, but his family is all in Huang Yan's hands, even if he wanted to escape, he couldn't let go of his relatives.

"This is the detoxification pill, for your brothers and sisters!" Zi Qing is not such a generous person, especially when dealing with strangers.

However, some things, some things have to be used at the point of the gun, as it is now.

Zi Qing used to be a painstaking student of psychology. Even though she has attained a Ph.D. degree, she still has problems seeing people, but now, it's different.

The experience of the two lifetimes made her a good judge of people.

At least now, she saw the color of nostalgia in Yang Chen's eyes.

If it wasn't for him to have someone he was attached to, I'm afraid, now, he wouldn't waste so much time chatting with her.

Furthermore, part of the hatred in his eyes came from himself, and some others.

Therefore, Zi Qing boldly guessed that Yang Chen had something in Huang Yan's hands, and naturally, he couldn't leave the palace.

I have to say that Zi Qing's guess was right!
Zi Qing needs Yang Chen to be grateful to her, and she also believes that he is not the only one among the bodyguards who was poisoned by the corpse, there must be many.

And she wanted Yang Chen to take the antidote pill and save everyone.

Refining corpse poison is not so easy. Come to think of it, the poisoner wanted to use corpse poison to control them.

These Ouchi guards are all good, and it is indeed a good choice to control them.

Unfortunately, the poisoner chose the wrong time.

At the very least, they should poison their bodies early before she shows up. In this way, even if she has the detoxification pill, it will be useless.

Yang Chen was holding the pill bottle, his hateful eyes were full of confusion at this moment.

He didn't understand, why did Zi Qing give him a bottle of detoxification pill?
He also didn't know why Zi Qing had such courage?
"You just need to be my answer!" Zi Qing saw the doubt in Yang Chen's eyes, and explained.

"I will!" Yang Chen nodded, even if Zi Qing didn't say it, he would do it.

Zi Qing glanced at the people who were killed by the Ouchi guards, then left the place, turned around and went to the restaurant.

She is not a savior, she cannot save everyone!

Although, she also understood that they were innocent people, but there was no way to save them.

At this time, the doors of the restaurants were all closed, and Zi Qing left one after another, but none of them opened their doors to do business.

In fact, this is also a normal thing. The current White Tiger Empire is so chaotic, who will do business, and no one will come to the White Tiger Empire.

Only people with a mission like Zi Qing would come to the White Tiger Empire.

In desperation, Zi Qing found a big tree, and it was a big tree in the suburbs, and sat down on the big tree.

"I heard that the city is not only chaotic, but also thieves!" I don't know if it's because of the outskirts, but a group of people passed under the tree, and their topic immediately attracted Zi Qing's attention.


What does it mean?
Could it be that someone also saw some secrets?
When Zi Qing came to the White Tiger Empire, she still had one more task, which was to get the "Book of Standing in Beauty", but at this moment, she was still unpredictable and had no clue about this.

(End of this chapter)

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