Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1783 Ximen Invincible 2

Chapter 1783 Ximen Invincible 2
When Zi Qing appeared in front of Huang Yi again, the peace in Huang Yi's eyes was broken.

Originally, she thought that Zi Qing would never appear in front of her again, but now, Zi Qing appeared pretty, and brought other people along with her.

No one knows her current identity, except Zi Qing in front of her.

The Yi Rong Pill in her hand comes from Zi Qing, if Zi Qing exposes her, then she will have nothing, and will end up in a situation where people and wealth are empty.

If she didn't get the benefits brought by the rights before, then she lost it if she lost it. However, after getting the benefits brought by the rights, how could she be willing to lose her current status.

It seems that only the dead can keep secrets!
After Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen appeared, Huang Yi shunned the people around her.

Although the imperial power is now in her hands, there are still many people who can't see her kindness. Even if her current palace is impenetrable, there are still young people who have mixed into it, so now, she can't be caught by anyone, otherwise , waiting for her will be endless purgatory.

"You...why are you here?" Huang Yi was a little caught off guard by Zi Qing's appearance, but soon, she adjusted her mentality.

Although she had many fears in her heart, she performed fairly well, at least she didn't mess herself up.

"I came here to enter the forbidden area of ​​the White Tiger Empire!" Zi Qing didn't beat around the bush, and said it directly.

From the way to the palace just now, Zi Qing had already guessed what happened in the Tian Mansion. Judging from Huang Yi's shrewdness, since she has gathered the imperial power in her own hands, she would not let the Tian Mansion grow bigger. The cold reception he encountered must have something to do with Huang Yi.

If she guessed right, Huang Yi has already stripped her of the status of Tianfu's guardian!

"You want to enter the forbidden area! Why?" Huang Yi suddenly heard Zi Qing's words, her eyes were full of surprise, and she looked at Zi Qing with a look of inquiry.

She has never been to the forbidden area of ​​the White Tiger Empire, but she has heard from other people that that place is also extremely dangerous. Some people go straight in and come out sideways, or in other words, others don't come out.

"I have something to go in, if you promised to let us in, then I will never hang out in front of you in the future!" Zi Qing's words already have a threatening meaning, because she understands that if she doesn't say that, Huang Huang Yi would definitely not agree.

The forbidden area of ​​the White Tiger Empire is not something that casual people can enter. As the ruler of the White Tiger Empire, Huang Yi has to consider for the White Tiger Empire.

"You threaten me!" Huang Yi's eyes became sharp when she heard Zi Qing's words.

"Hehe... If you think it's a threat, then it's a threat!" Zi Qing smiled at Huang Yi, that smile, no matter how you look at it, it's frightening.

Huang Yi herself is a proud and arrogant master, plus she has been domineering in the White Tiger Empire for the past few years, so naturally, she is quite angry with Zi Qing's provocative eyes.

However, her reason still exists. After Zi Qing finished speaking, although her teeth were itching with anger, she did not open her mouth to refute Zi Qing's words, but took out a stone from her bosom.

"This is the key to the forbidden area. Take the key and walk as far as you want. I gave you this key at that time!" Huang Yi suppressed the anger in her heart, and handed over the key to the forbidden area of ​​the White Tiger Empire to Zi Qing. hands.

(End of this chapter)

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