Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1810 Competing to grab 5

Chapter 1810 Competing to grab 5
"This time, the money we brought here is not a lot, but there are a lot of things that can be redeemed. We must be able to take pictures of it. We are members of the Tianxiameng. Who dares to bid with us!" said the speaker. Be quite confident.

In his opinion, as an ally of the world, he should be admired by everyone. Who dares to compete with them for what they fancy!
It's just that they forgot one thing, that is, it's not their Tianxiameng who have the final say here, and the people who enter here are not the people they could control in the past, if they really dare to show off , then even if Zi Qing didn't make a move, it would be difficult for them to walk out of the venue alive!
Under the experimenter's reaction, the crowd could no longer hold back. If they hadn't maintained their identities, perhaps at this time, the entire venue would have rioted.

Yuan Yuan was also aware of this situation, and immediately started the auction regardless of whether everyone calmed down or not.

"Now, let's auction the spiritual liquid first. Because it is too special, there is no reserve price, and everyone can bid freely!" Yuan Yuan is smarter on this point.

Pricing is the most difficult thing to determine. Now, he let everyone set the price, and he just collects money in the end. This move is not a clever one!
There is no reserve price, which makes it difficult for everyone to speak for a while.

Drive too low for fear of being ridiculed;
Drive too high, afraid of attracting glaring eyes from others.

Therefore, at this time, the entire venue was terribly quiet, only the sound of each other's breathing could be heard!

Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen are not in a hurry, because they know that the real competition is yet to come, as long as one person speaks, the price will rise accordingly.

"100 taels of gold!" Someone finally couldn't help but speak, although he also understood that his opening was just opening a gate and laying a mat, but it was better than being unusually quiet.

In an instant, everyone seemed to be awakened, followed by a higher price call.

When the price soared to [-] taels of gold, the scene calmed down a bit, and Yuan Yuan's breathing also became short of breath.

Although the bulk of the subsequent share is on Ziqing's side, there is absolutely no doubt about how huge a share their auction house can get from it this time.

Until now, people from Tianxiameng did not participate in the auction, because they knew that the base number was not final, and they did not have so much gold.

The most important thing is that once they make a move, they will definitely compare everyone.

"5000 taels of gold!" As soon as the voice came out, everyone's breathing became more and more rapid. Others' price was 100 taels, but it was his turn to directly increase the price by 100 taels. This kind of confidence is not something ordinary people can do.

After the voice fell, everyone at the scene turned their gazes to the source of the voice. When they saw the speaker, they didn't react at all.

Because this is a fighter among local tyrants, if you want to compete with him in financial resources, you will undoubtedly hit a stone with an egg!

He, none other than the richest man on Xuanming Continent—— Weekend!
After hearing the price call on the weekend, everyone in the Tianxiameng frowned. They didn't expect that the local rich man would appear, and even called the price. If he participated, then no matter how much they invested, It will also be compared, what should I do?
(End of this chapter)

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