Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1829 Romance 6

Chapter 1829 Romance 6
"Ranchen, thank you, thank you..." Zi Qing jumped into Mo Ranchen's words, she could no longer use words to describe the excitement and shock in her heart at this moment, and only the word thank you could bear Mo Ranchen's feelings.

"You don't need to say thank you, you just need to spend the rest of your life to pay it back!" Mo Ranchen held Zi Qing's waist, with a happy smile in his eyes.

He is looking forward to this moment, to express his feelings in this place where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.

Although the relationship between them has long been understood, even if they don't speak, they only need a look to express it clearly, but he still wants to create a waste, a romance between them!

"Ranchen!" Zi Qing stood on tiptoe and kissed Mo Ranchen's lips.

Their lips touched, and their bodies trembled.

This is a belated kiss!
After they met on Xuanming Continent, they had never been so intimate.

One kiss, kiss forever!
With one kiss, I have kissed thousands of mountains and rivers!

The kiss is still going on, the love is still going on...

After a kiss, the two of them blushed, and there was deep affection in their eyes!
"Qing'er..." Mo Ranchen took Zi Qing into his arms again, rested his head on her shoulder, panting slightly.

He really wanted to throw Ziqing to the ground, but he knew that he couldn't, at least not now!

Before Zi Qing's blood is fully stimulated, he can't break her body, otherwise, she will be in pain before the blood is activated, so he must hold back.

"Ranchen, actually, I..." While speaking, Zi Qing's face turned red, and she looked at Mo Ranchen with some shame.

"Qing'er, it's okay, I can bear it!" He must hold back, he can't hurt Zi Qing!
"Hehe..." Zi Qing laughed loudly, his eyes were full of happy smiles!
A man can be so patient in order not to hurt himself. Only when he loves badly can he behave like this. Such a man is worth having!

The wind is blowing at this moment, the flowers are flying at this moment, and the snowflakes are also falling at this moment. The romance begins a romantic romance!

Mo Ranchen and Zi Qing hugged each other quietly, enjoying the rare silence.

They also stole half a day's leisure, if it wasn't for the fact that Tianxiameng was exposed, they wouldn't have dared to make such a noise under Hao Lianren's nose.

Time goes by little by little, the moonlight is getting thicker and thicker, the wind stops, the snow disperses, the flowers fall, and a romantic romance also fades away with the passage of time.

"Let's go! We have plenty of time in the future!" Mo Ranchen believes that the destruction of the Tianxia League is only a matter of time, and soon, they will appear in front of everyone.

Now, there are still important things waiting for them!

When Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen returned to the auction house, Yuan Yuan didn't know where he went, leaving behind a huge empty house. At this time, the building was empty, and there was no previous prosperity.

After this incident happened in the auction house, Tianxiameng would naturally not let Yuan Yuan go. With Yuan Yuan's intelligence, he must have escaped at this time, perhaps watching Tianxiameng come to an end from a certain corner.

But at this time, the huge Tianxia League General Forum was covered with dark clouds, and everyone's faces were full of gloom.

In just one day, the entire Xuanming Continent knew about the scandal of the Tianxiameng. Even if they wanted to suppress it, they couldn't suppress it. The most important thing is that those people actually gathered and came to their place!

(End of this chapter)

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