Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1881 Cooperating with the Devil 4

Chapter 1881 Cooperating with the Devil 4
Zi Qing's appearance is not quite the same as that of the royal family in the past, and he doesn't even have the characteristics that the demons should have. If it weren't for him, he really felt the blood of the royal family of the demons in Zi Qing, and he would definitely think that This person is impersonating.

Before Mo Ranchen spoke, Zi Qing released the blood belonging to the demon clan in his body. Of course, it was only a little bit, and it was just this little bit that made Mo Tianxing feel the power of the blood belonging to the royal family.

"He has always been in charge of my affairs!" Zi Qing's words also well stated her position, that is, Mo Ranchen is solely responsible for her affairs.

What Mo Tianxing wants to do, all he needs to do is find Mo Ranchen. As for her, just listen in.

"What do you want?" Mo Tianxing also knew that he had to pay a price to keep Zi Qing in the demon clan, and he could accept this price as long as it was within their ability.

"Inheritance of the royal family!" As soon as Mo Ranchen said this, Mo Tianxing's expression changed.

He thought that Mo Ranchen would propose something that they could bear, but he directly asked for the inheritance of the royal family.

Although Zi Qing is the only one left in the demon royal family now, it is reasonable for her to want to inherit, but they cannot accept it.

Yes, absolutely unacceptable!
Once the inheritance of the royal family is opened, then Zi Qing will become the real emperor of their demon clan, and the status of the demon emperor will not be shaken.

In this way, the former royal family will be restored to glory!

They can't let the royal family be brilliant, but they can't lose the royal family. If Zi Qing keeps herself safe, he can guarantee that he will let her live her life safely, but if...

Murderous intent flashed in Mo Tianxing's eyes, although it disappeared in a flash, Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen saw it.

Sure enough, the people of the Demon Race couldn't believe it!
"If you want Qing'er's royal blood to unlock the IQ of your demons, then you have to pay a certain price. If you just give Qing'er an identity, then I'm sorry to say, forget it, this identity, she would rather Don't!" Mo Ranchen's words directly pointed out the meaning of his words without any obscurity.

Mo Ranchen's words made Mo Tianxing's face even more ugly!

"Give me some time!" This matter is not up to him at all, and the royal family inheritance is not up to him alone. In addition, his strength is not enough to open the royal family inheritance, so he has to discuss with the elders. Let's discuss it.

"One day, one day later, we will leave here. As for whether you want to enter the human world, it is up to you to decide for yourself. However, I advise you that the human world is no longer the world that you can control. The human world The danger is not something you can handle!" Mo Ranchen's last sentence, although seeking truth from facts, was somewhat threatening.

If the IQ of the demons really enters the human world, it will be manipulated by others. With the intelligence of Mo Tianxing, he will definitely think carefully.

After Mo Tianxing heard Mo Ranchen's words, he fell into silence and didn't speak for a long time. He didn't even notice that Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen left.

"Ranchen, why do you want to reveal my identity now?" It's not a question, but an inquiry. If Mo Ranchen doesn't explain her doubts, she can't think of a clue on her own.

(End of this chapter)

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