Chapter 1888
"Outsiders, since you treat us as outsiders, let's go now!" Mo Ranchen pulled Zi Qing and walked out when he heard the elder's words, without giving the elder a chance to react at all.

"Wait!" Seeing Mo Ranchen's actions, the Great Elder became impatient. His purpose was not to force Zi Qing away. It would be very difficult for the royal blood to reappear. If Mo Ranchen took it away , then it's worth it.

"What? Do you have the ability to keep us?" At this moment, Mo Ranchen's aura suddenly rose sharply.

Teng Teng Teng, this change caught the Great Elder off guard, and his body took a few steps back. Just a few steps, the Great Elder's face changed drastically, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

They knew Mo Ranchen's strength, but they didn't think that his strength had become so strong that even he couldn't resist it, and now, he just released his breath.

"You... When did you become so strong?" The Great Elder looked at Mo Ranchen in disbelief. If he hadn't experienced it himself, he would never have believed that Mo Ranchen had such a powerful strength.

This kind of strength seems to have reached a critical point, and it only needs one opportunity to break through.

"Great Elder, are you going to keep us here?" Mo Ranchen didn't answer the words of the Great Elder, but raised his aura even stronger.

At this time, the Great Elder found that there seemed to be a mountain on his body, which made it difficult for him to breathe. This feeling was really uncomfortable, but he did not dare to use his strength to resist. Once he resisted, his body would collapse. Can not bear.

If the two forces collide, he must be the one who loses.

"Once the inheritance of the royal family is activated, it will no longer be able to be used again!" The elder's words made Mo Ranchen slightly surprised, and a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

"Inheritance, why is it a one-time consumable?" Inheritance can be used multiple times, and it is not the first time he has experienced it. Now that the Great Elder is evading it like this, do you think they are fools?
"Because we thought that there is no more royal blood, so..." The elder did not continue the words, even if he did not say, Mo Ranchen and Zi Qing understood.

The royal bloodline was cut off, and they didn't care about 21, or whether they had royal bloodlines in their bodies, they all passed it on. It is conceivable that not only did they not accept the inheritance, but they also hurt their bodies.

Such repeated use of the royal family's inheritance made the royal family's inheritance no longer able to withstand the inheritance. According to their estimation, the royal family's inheritance has only one chance.

"Confused!" Thousands of words, only these two words, Mo Ranchen really has nothing to say about the IQ of the demons.

The inheritance of the royal family can also be tested by ordinary people, even if it is ruined, it shouldn't be like this!

"Alas..." Zi Qing's listeners were also very speechless. If the demons were led by them, they would be able to destroy themselves without the need for others to destroy them!

"Are you acting in another bitter scene?" Zi Qing's sudden opening made the First Elder stunned, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

However, after clearly understanding Zi Qing's words, the face of the Great Elder was darker than the night.

Sure enough, the two of them are of the same breed, and they are definitely not good birds if they can be together, as can be heard from their words!

(End of this chapter)

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