Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1914 1 Year Covenant 1

Chapter 1914 One Year Covenant 1
This war has made many people grow up. These people are ambitious and dare to fight, and they quickly broke through a world, especially Mo Xiajian and Xiaowu.

One used to be the ancestor of the Mo Dynasty in Lingtian Continent, and the other was an intermediate power in the Mo Pavilion with some methods. The two joined forces and soon had some loyal subordinates.

The methods of these two people are also quite good. In a short period of time, the number of people has grown to as many as a hundred. This method makes other people far behind.

The most important thing is that these two people's methods are quite cruel, and they are ruthless, completely different from ordinary people.

Of course, the reason why everyone supports them is because they are very kind to their own people and have great loyalty.

In fact, it is not that they want to help them, but that Mo Xiajian and Xiaowu want to use the power of these people. They know that it is absolutely impossible to overthrow Tianxiameng and Moge with their own strength.

But now, they can use this power, with the help of these people, to play a side ball and control part of the power.

The calculations of these two people are crackling. In their view, as long as they control a part of the power, they can overthrow Tianxiameng and Moge.

However, what they didn't know was that their methods and strength were not enough to compete with Hao Lianren and Mo Ranchen.

At most, it's just letting them reach the tip of the iceberg!
The cooperation of these two people, of course, will bring them a little trouble, but this trouble can be completely controlled under their control.

At this moment, Hao Lianren was indeed forced to be helpless by the outside world.

In particular, those old monsters on the ancient battlefield are also constantly urging, urging to send blood to them.

After waiting for so many years, they really couldn't wait any longer.

The pain of being forced in one place is definitely not something ordinary people can bear.

They want to go out, they yearn for the outside world, and they want to breathe the fresh air outside.

So, they cultivated Hao Lianren, but this man's ambition was so big that they couldn't control it.

They want to get out of the secret realm before they still have the ability.

If Hao Lianren was made bigger and stronger, then the only road waiting for them was death.

After all, they came out of the ancient battlefield, and they have eaten more salt than rice. If they can't see the evil intentions under Hao Lianren's eyes, then their lives will be in vain.

Although they were well aware of Hao Lianren's ambitions, they could only pretend not to know. When they still needed Hao Lianren, they would naturally not show any signs of expression.

In fact, both of them have each other's thoughts, but they don't understand clearly.

When the interests are figured out, none of them will point it out.

Those people on the ancient battlefield can be said to be the union of multiple races. If they want to come out, they must unite. Only in this way can they have a chance to break through the space that binds them.

They are so eager to get out of the secret realm, mostly because of the ambition in their hearts, the ambition that has not been extinguished, and partly because the power in their bodies is declining day by day, and the power is declining. If they go down, I am afraid that they will be annihilated by time without going out of the secret realm.

That's why they kept urging Hao Lianren to let him get out the sacrificial blood pool at any cost!
(End of this chapter)

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