Poison doctor witch

Chapter 1967 The Conspiracy Comes 6

Chapter 1967 The Conspiracy Comes 6
If Qiu Jianfeng knew about Outer Worlds or the ancient battlefield, then he might have thought about other aspects, but unfortunately, he didn't know anything about it. Naturally, he just heard about it and forgot.

If it wasn't for Zi Qing's question now, and he took the Zhenyu Pill again, maybe they really wouldn't know that this matter involved the ancient battlefield.

As soon as they heard the word "Ancient Battlefield", Zi Qing, Mo Ranchen and Gu Qingfeng frowned even more, and their eyes were full of surprise.

If the master that Qiu Jianfeng spoke of came from a foreign land and was related to the ancient battlefield, then what exactly are they going to do?
There is no doubt that the people on the ancient battlefield want to come out of the secret realm, and now they are also preparing for this.

Now, with the addition of people from Outer Worlds, Zi Qing also felt drunk.

It's getting more and more complicated!
Her small head can no longer hold so much brain capacity!
"Take us to meet your master!" If you want to find out the truth of the matter, you must be close to reality, so now, Zi Qing asks Qiu Jianfeng to take them to meet his master.

However, after these words, Qiu Jianfeng's mouth seeped blood.


Because Zi Qing asked this sentence, Qiu Jianfeng died!
"It seems that this is a secret they can't tell!" Qiu Jianfeng's death was indeed related to what Zi Qing asked, because their master was involved here, so, without being able to reveal the master, they were cast a spell , when they have this idea and want to lead others to find them, they will self-destruction.

I have to say that the secrecy work is really good.

The clues also stopped here!

"Pavilion Master, are there any traitors?" This is their negligence, and they cannot escape the blame. They don't want to get rid of this negligence, but now, all they have to do is find out the traitors.

"There are a few more, all on this list. If you deal with them, do it cleanly!" Even if these people accompanied him to expand the territory, he would not condone and let them go.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself!
Mo Ranchen remembered this sentence deeply, so he would not have any kindness, especially when dealing with traitors.

"Ranchen, do you have any impression of that person?" Since he didn't come here to kill Mo Ranchen, then this person should have some involvement with Mo Ranchen. As for what kind of involvement, I don't know.

"I don't know, maybe Xiaobai will know something!" As the ancient beast, the White Tiger must know more than them. Unfortunately, Xiaobai has been in a deep sleep and has not woken up.

The power of the White Tiger Blood Jade is so great that up to now, Xiaobai has no sign of waking up, but Qinglong is already ready to move.

"Perhaps, we can summon the Qilin!" The Qilin is also one of the ancient beasts, so it must know something inside.

Hearing Mo Ranchen's words, Zi Qing summoned the Qilin with a thought.

As soon as Qilin appeared, he cried for his parents and cried for his mother, with tears and snot in his eyes, thinking who was dead!

"Master, master, you finally summoned me!" Qilin began to cry when he saw Zi Qing, it could no longer withstand the power of the contract space.

"Qilin, be normal!" Seeing Qilin's appearance, Zi Qing's head got a little big!

(End of this chapter)

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