Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2021 Assassination from Relatives 6

Chapter 2021 Assassination from Relatives 6
Back then, he didn't have any choice. The moment he saw the black hole, he knew that he had to jump in. Only in this way could he survive.

The serious injuries on his body let him know that if he continued to face them, he would definitely die, but after jumping into the black hole, he might still have a chance.

Fortunately, the original decision was not wrong, and he survived.

Although it was so difficult to survive at the beginning, at least he survived.

It's just that what followed made him feel more and more unlucky.

He survived, but he entered the secret realm, a place that he couldn't get out with his strength.

He wanted revenge, and his courage to survive was for revenge. If it wasn't for the belief in revenge that supported him, perhaps he wouldn't be able to bear it.

The desire to survive is very strong, no matter how seriously injured he is, he can survive.

However, he couldn't get out!
After realizing this, he was really saddened to the extreme.

Even if he survived, but he couldn't go out, couldn't enter the outer world at all, then everything was useless.

Coupled with the curse on him, it made him feel more and more unable to take revenge.

There are indeed quite a few people who have entered the purple secret realm, but those people's hearts and talents are really bad. In addition, he doesn't trust anyone at all, let alone let Rang become his apprentice, even if he looks at them more willing.

This cheating curse made him aggrieved to the extreme.

Accepting apprentices is not just as simple as accepting apprentices, but also imparting the skills of a lifetime, and there must be no secrets.

There must not be a trace of private possession. On this point, he feels that he cannot do it. He is a person who has been betrayed by his relatives. If he is asked to teach his apprentice the full strength, he cannot do it at all.

He has no trust between people at all, and he can't do it just because of this!

If he can't do it, then the curse on him cannot be lifted.

The curse on his body has become more and more severe with the passage of time. If it continues like this, the strength in his body will be exhausted.

Before, the Scarlet Winged Demon Tiger said that the reason why he is no longer at the peak of his strength is because of the curse.

Thinking of this, Wen Wenrui sighed again.

"Curse, someone beat you down, we believe it!" Wen Wenrui's words made Zi Qing and the other three nod their heads, but they believed his words.

Wen Wenrui was taken aback by Zi Qing's words, and then a smile flashed in his eyes. Sure enough, the three of them had good conduct.

If he didn't feel that he had to accept apprentices, otherwise, he would not have paid attention to the three of them. If he still had time, then he would never have thought of accepting apprentices.

"The curse on me is related to accepting apprentices!" Zi Qing would think it was a lie if someone else said this, because such a curse had never been heard before, but now, from Wen Wenrui's mouth out, then it is absolutely [-]%.

This curse was definitely tailor-made for Wen Wenrui.

It is definitely torture for people who don't believe in human nature to accept disciples.

Torture in disguise!
"It's time to accept apprentices!" Zi Qing's words made Wen Wenrui smile wryly.

"Accepting apprentices is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that I must teach all my exercises, and I must not keep any secrets!" Wen Wenrui's words can be regarded as trust in Zi Qing and the other three. Response, otherwise, he would never have revealed it like this!
(End of this chapter)

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