Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2055 Buddha Hall 4

Chapter 2055 Buddha Hall 4

An excellent opportunity, as long as they grasp this opportunity, they can wipe out Li Liyu without any effort.

Li Liyu's existence made them uneasy, especially after he used this trick, he was able to stand upright, which made Wen Wenrui afraid.

If Li Liyu was just an ordinary person, even if he pierced the sky now, they would pay attention, but they would not pay attention to him.

But now, he is the reincarnation of Li Wendao, Li Wendao is satisfied with the forehead crown, he deserves death, but now Li Liyu has not regained his memory after all, but if he does, then they will suffer.

Therefore, they must make a choice before his memory wakes up!

It's not that they are incompetent, but they feel that if they do this this time, it will be completely worse.

They stood aside and watched the battle between Li Liyu and the three holy corpses for a long time. Although they didn't go back and forth a few times, Mo Ranchen discovered the weaknesses of each other. As long as they went to the weaknesses, it would be very difficult to fail.

However, obviously, Mo Ranchen is not so kind, and will tell them where the flaws are.

He just watched the fight on the scene very intently, a thrilling fight!

Probably because Li Liyu didn't fully inherit Li Wendao's memory, he still had a little bit of soft power when he attacked. If he wasn't stronger than them, he would have been attacked by the three holy corpses.

In addition, the strength he just inspired has exhausted all of him, if it happens again, he will definitely fall to the ground.

And the three holy corpses on the side obviously didn't expect Li Liyu to have such a murderous intent, which could cause them to be severely injured.

Under this blow, Li Liyu and the three holy corpses had already fallen to the ground. The three holy corpses were extremely embarrassed. It also became a little weaker.

If the four of Ziqing made a move at this time, they would definitely be able to wipe them out.

"Let's make a move!" Wen Wenrui also found an opportunity, but unfortunately, after he finished speaking, there was a roar from behind, a roar that shook the sky.

At the same time as the voice sounded, Wen Wenrui's face changed drastically, "Let's go!"

As soon as Wen Wenrui said this, the four of them fled away. They never expected that at the most critical moment, another group of holy corpses would appear.

A group, a whole group, they didn't even see how many people there were, so they chose to retreat.

As for what Li Liyu would do, that was beyond their consideration.

Zi Qing and the others did not see that Li Liyu had already fled at the moment when the roar sounded. Although the strength in his body had been exhausted, this did not include that he could react instantly, and his escape speed was not as fast as not slow.

"Why are there so many?" Zi Qing and the others had retreated far away, and they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Wen Wenrui did not expect that there would be so many holy corpses. These holy corpses were not refined by ordinary people, they all had to be of the Supreme God level. With such strength, they must have been not ordinary people before.

"These people, aren't they all leftovers from the ancient battlefield?" Only this can explain why there are so many holy corpses. If all these holy corpses leave the secret realm and enter real life, then...

(End of this chapter)

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