Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2060 Effect of Rebirth 3

Chapter 2060 Effect of Rebirth 3
Although Li Liyu didn't know why the Buddhist world came to an end, but after hearing Zi Qing's words, he instinctively felt displeased, murderous aura lingered in his heart, and he had an urge to shut Zi Qing's mouth very much.

This impulse made him suppress it, because he knew that now was not the best time for him to do it.

Leaving aside Ziqing's partners, let's just talk about the holy corpses in front of him. If they discover his existence, it will be terrible.

If it was just now, then he still had the possibility to protect himself, but now, not necessarily, especially when facing such a group of holy corpses.

"Why do you want to know, you know, you are not from the Buddhist world, do you want to be ordained and become a nun?" Li Liyu said it seriously.

As soon as he said these words, Zi Qing couldn't hold back all of a sudden, poofed and laughed.

This cold joke is really good.

Nun, what is the structure of his head? He actually thinks about the nun, not to mention, she has been obsessed with the Buddhist world, but it is really possible.

"How could I, a young and beautiful girl, possibly become a nun? No, this is not what I want to say. Do you know anything about the Buddhist world?" Being surrounded by Li Liyu like this, he was going to faint.

"I don't know anything about the Buddha world. Although there will be pictures flashing in my mind, I don't know the real situation. As for the Buddha Hall you mentioned, I do know something. If I say it, Then you must let me meet with the Buddhist disciples of the Buddhist realm!" This is Li Liyu's request, he can tell Zi Qing about the main hall of the Buddha, but the prerequisite is that he wants to meet Ci Qizhi, the Buddha of the Buddhist realm son.

"No problem!" Zi Qing readily agreed, as long as he leaves the Purple Secret Realm, he can see Ci Qizhi.

Although she doesn't know where Ci Qizhi is now, as long as she leaves the purple secret realm, she will know.

Seeing Zi Qing answering so readily, Li Liyu's eyes flashed a look of surprise, but he didn't show it, but started talking about the main Buddha Hall.

"The Hall of the Lord Buddha used to be the place where the Lord Buddha practiced Buddhism. The power of Buddha in this place is boundless. As long as people who practice Buddhism enter here, they can have unexpected gains. But now, this place has no effect at all. And it seems that there is evil power here!" When Li Liyu said the words "power of evil", a stern light flashed in Li Liyu's eyes!
Zi Qing didn't interrupt Li Liyu, allowing him to continue talking!

"I don't know what they are looking for, but one thing is certain, they want to find the Buddha's relic!" Li Liyu's words were exactly the same as Wen Wenrui's.

Wen Wenrui also deduced that they came to the main Buddha hall to find the relics of the main Buddha.

"What is the function of the Buddha's relic?" Although Wen Wenrui had already said it before, he only said it was a legend, so she wanted to confirm again. The most important thing was that Li Liyu was the reincarnation of Li Wendao.

Compared to Wen Wenrui, a half-baked guy, Li Wendao's reincarnation, Li Liyu, was much more reliable.

"The effect of rebirth!" Without the slightest hesitation, Li Liyu answered Zi Qing's question.

Rebirth, rebirth again!
If before, Zi Qing felt that Wen Wenrui's words were just legends, then Li Liyu's words are about 80.00% accurate at this time!
(End of this chapter)

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