Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2072 God's Staff 3

Chapter 2072 God's Staff 3
Ci Qizhi had seen that Zi Qing was smart, so he was not surprised that Zi Qing was able to come out.

"Well, it was Li Wendao who said that sentence that made everyone flock to him and join the battle. At the beginning, if the Buddhist world could have guarded against Li Wendao because of this sentence, then nothing will happen in the future. It's a pity , our Buddhist world is not on guard!" When Ci Qizhi said this, his voice was full of emotion.

At the beginning, Li Wendao had already shown abnormality, but they did not attract their attention. From their point of view, there was no need to doubt Li Wendao's loyalty to the Buddhist world.

Unfortunately, when a person is blinded by power, he can do anything.

"What is it that makes people flock to it so much?" One sentence has such power, but it is really powerful.

"The strongest person can get the strongest energy!" Ci Qizhi said exactly what Li Wendao said back then, and it was just such a sentence that pushed the ancient war to its climax.

Moreover, Li Wendao didn't say this sentence in front of everyone, but casually mentioned it during the meal, and it was precisely because he said it during the meal that the people in the Buddhist world were aroused by his words. So paralyzed that I didn't think about other aspects.

Others, however, are not quite like that. There is a saying that the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention. Of course, Li Wendao's words are definitely the speaker's intention, he said it on purpose.

The strongest person gets the strongest power. I have to say that this sentence is too tempting. These people are all pursuing and advocating power, and they can die for power.

This sentence definitely hit the point and made them flock to it. Of course, it does not include some people taking advantage of troubled waters. In addition, when a clan goes to war, it is impossible for the people in the clan to be spared, which led to the outbreak of the war.

"This is the secret of the outbreak of the ancient war?" If this is the case, then those people are too easy to provoke.

"It should be, anyway, that's what I heard. Because of Li Wendao's incident, Master's Masters have been guilty all their lives, and they never thought that the reason for the outbreak of the Great War of the Ancients would be in the Buddhist realm. Especially, the Buddhist realm In that time, after experiencing a catastrophe, almost even the Buddha's relic was not preserved." Ci Qizhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

At the beginning, although he hadn't experienced it before, be careful. He grew up listening to it. He could say that he was very familiar with what happened back then. Even if he didn't experience it personally, he still had an outline in his mind. He clearly knew how much influence Li Wendao's reincarnation had on the Buddhist world.

At the beginning, because of a Li Wendao, he caused great disturbances in the world and almost made the Buddhist world go into a stranger's way. Fortunately, now, he finally found Li Wendao's reincarnation.

At the beginning, after the Buddhist world killed Li Wendao, there was a feeling that Li Wendao would be reincarnated. Unfortunately, after so many years of searching, they couldn't find it. Now, it appeared in front of him, which surprised him to the extreme. For this reason, He wants to go to the Buddhist world in the shortest possible time.

"Zi Qing, you have absorbed the Buddha's relic. I have already told my master about this. The master asked you to suppress the power of the Buddha's relic as much as possible. Once the power of the Buddha's relic is released, what you will face will be endless. Kill!" Ci Qizhi said exactly what his master had warned Zi Qing!

(End of this chapter)

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