Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2133 Sadness 4

Chapter 2133 Sadness 4
Zi Qing remained silent, her attitude was completely on Mo Ranchen's side.

Although he already knew the result, Gu Qingfeng was still very heartbroken. This kind of pain had already penetrated into the marrow of his bones, causing his body to recede back again and again.

In order not to let Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen see his expression, Gu Qingfeng turned around and walked out without stopping a step.

He knew that if he stayed any longer, it would only increase his grief, and the pain in his heart would not decrease at all. At this time, perhaps only by leaving, could his heart beat again.

A broken heart, can it be repaired?

Gu Qingfeng walked forward suddenly, looking at Gu Qingfeng's desolate back, Zi Qing also felt a little uncomfortable.

She remembered everything about her childhood. She spent her childhood with Gu Qingfeng. If there were no accidents, maybe she would have gone on with Gu Qingfeng. Unfortunately, accidents are accidents. Not only did she come to Lingtian On the mainland, she was even beaten to death, allowing her soul to travel into this body.

Even if there was a memory at the beginning, perhaps, it would not have any effect, because she is no longer that her, and they did not meet each other at the right time.

The fate of the two of them probably can only be in childhood.

A desolate atmosphere enveloped Gu Qingfeng, Gu Qingfeng didn't walk very fast, he didn't want Zi Qing to hold him back, but because he didn't have the strength, at this moment, he was walking with his life.

"Master, his aura is very weak. If you let him go, then..." Baihu didn't say any more, because when he was about to continue, there was a bang from the front, and then they He saw Gu Qingfeng fell to the ground.

"Qingfeng!" Seeing Gu Qingfeng lying on the ground, Mo Ranchen dashed out and immediately appeared in front of Gu Qingfeng.

When he saw Gu Qingfeng's blue face, panic flashed in his eyes.

At the same time, Zi Qing also came in front of Gu Qingfeng.

Holding his wrist with one hand, he felt his pulse. In fact, after seeing Gu Qingfeng's face, Zi Qing's brows did not relax. Chinese medicine practitioners are expected to hear about it. Gu Qingfeng, this obviously hurt his heart.

In order to confirm whether what he saw was true, Zi Qing took Gu Qingfeng's wrist to feel his pulse.

Under this pulse, she found that Gu Qingfeng's heart was seriously injured.

If it weren't for his strength at the level of the supreme god, I am afraid that he would have died of anger by now.

Looking at Gu Qingfeng who was so angry, Zi Qing sighed again, she really never thought that Gu Qingfeng would become like this.

His appearance was caused by Mo Ranchen and her.

"Master, he hurt his heart and lungs, and he won't heal for a while, and with his strength, the injury is so serious, he must use a strange medicine, and this medicine is not available in the Zilan space, so you can only freeze him , and put it in the ice cave to ensure his integrity!" Bai Hu also sighed slightly at this time.

It's not love to the depths, and there won't be such big mood swings!
When Mo Ranchen heard Baihu's words, the regret in his eyes became more and more intense. He really did not expect such a thing to happen. If the time could be restarted, maybe he would not be like this.

But just now, he was really afraid that Gu Qingfeng would do this because of the inner demons.

"Alas... Gu Qingfeng is not the only one who loves deeply, there is also Mo Ranchen!" After Bai Hu said a word quietly, he stopped talking!
(End of this chapter)

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