Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2206 Golden Dragon Bloodline 5

Chapter 2206 Golden Dragon Bloodline 5
"Look at this place!" Zi Qing signaled Yun Liu to look at a raised place in the tomb.

When seeing this raised place, Yunliu's first reaction was that someone robbed the tomb. You must know that after his father was buried, he buried a lot of funerary objects, and those funerary objects were all high-quality goods. All of them are treasures, and ordinary people will definitely be jealous when they see them.

However, soon, he calmed down, because he found that the bulge did not look like it was left by a tomb robber, but it looked like it was made by someone who came out of it.

People inside!

Suddenly, Yun Liu seemed to realize something, his eyes were full of astonishment.

If things are really as he guessed, then... so is his father...

Thinking of this, Yun Liu's face suddenly changed.

After Zi Qing and Mo Ranchen saw Yun Liu's face, they knew that he had guessed the truth of the matter. Yun Liu was not stupid, but he was unwilling to believe it all the time.

In addition, no one was around to mention something, so that he didn't know anything now, but if he talked about the matter, he would know.

Fortunately, he is not such an unreasonable person, and he will listen to some things. Besides, this time, Zi Qing and the others didn't say much, just let him find out by himself.

"I... don't believe it!" After a long time, Yunliu said such a sentence.

It is difficult for him to believe this fact, because he saw his father swallowed his last breath with his own eyes, and then he buried him here himself, and now he is required to believe that his father is not dead, which makes him somewhat accept no.

Although he also hoped that his father could live for millions of years, when the truth was presented to him, he still couldn't accept it.

As a person with spiritual sense, there is no need to do such insidious things as opening the coffin for autopsy, all he needs is to check with his spiritual sense. Therefore, after Yun Liu found that there was no body of his father in the coffin, he immediately Some can't accept it.

"Believe it or not, did your father tell you about his identity?" Zi Qing felt a little cruel, otherwise, why would he let Yun Liu know some bloody things?

Zi Qing is not a nosy person, but she doesn't want them to spend a little effort to explain what Yun Liu saw after entering the City of Scourge.

In this case, it is better to tell him before and let him be mentally prepared.

From Yunliu's feelings for his father, it can be seen that once he knows that his father is deeply trapped in the City of Scourge, then he will definitely do everything in his power to rescue him.

At that time, it is inevitable that he will find them!

Although they can dismiss it, but they can't do nothing about it. Now that they raise it first, they can prevent it from happening.

At least, when Yun Liu saw his father again, he would not be so surprised, nor would he lose his mind and do something uncontrollable.

Zi Qing's words made Yunliu's eyes a little dodge, obviously, he knew something, but, I don't know, did the Golden Dragon say that he is a dragon.

From the fact that the dragon blood in Yunliu was sealed, I'm afraid he didn't know about it. This time, no matter whether Yunliu knew about his life experience or not, Zi Qing would tell it. It's better not to hide some things!

(End of this chapter)

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