Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2231 Unstoppable Surprise 6

Chapter 2231 Unstoppable Surprise 6
"These projection technologies are only available to people from that clan. I just didn't expect that they would also participate in this event!" When Bai Hu was talking about that clan, his eyes looked at Zi Qing inadvertently. However, Mo Ranchen still noticed it. Fortunately, Zi Qing's eyes were not on Bai Hu at this time, so he didn't notice Bai Hu's slightly profound eyes.

If she noticed, maybe Zi Qing would think about other aspects, but now, her attention is on other aspects, and she didn't notice it.

This time, Zi Qing missed another good opportunity, a good opportunity to know her life experience.

"Since this place is just a fairy tale, then let's get out of here as soon as possible!" They have been in this place for so long, but no one has come, which has to be said to be very strange.

"Master, I found another good place, but this place is very weird!" Just as Zi Qing and the others were still standing here, Xiaoyue turned around and left, heading for other places.

Upon hearing Xiaoyue's words, Zi Qing and the others immediately went to where Xiaoyue was.

When arriving at the place Xiaoyue discovered, Zi Qing finally realized the strangeness that Xiaoyue said.

Not to mention it's really weird!
At least this place gave her a gloomy feeling, but under this gloomy feeling, there was a kind of divine power.

This kind of eerie and divine power combined to form a strange magnetic field.

"There are good things buried under this ground!" Bai Hu looked at the ground, a smile flashed in his eyes.

He really admired Zi Qing's luck, this kind of luck against the sky, the treasures are rolling in, if it is an ordinary person, not to mention whether he can encounter this place, but the treasures here are not available to ordinary people.

"Jiuwei, Zixiao's jade pendant, in whose hands is it now?" They left when everyone snatched it up, but Zi Qing left Jiuwei to let him keep an eye on it.

"Still robbing!" Nine Tails said helplessly, his eyes full of contempt.

This kind of snatching and snatching is really boring. Either it falls into the hands of this person or someone else, and no one can even warm this piece of blood jade in their hands.

Zi Qing also knew that their robbing would take a while, so she left, leaving Nine Tails behind.

"Kyuubi, if the timing is right, you can take the opportunity to get the blood jade!" Jiuwei's strength has been improved time and time again, and it is already quite powerful. Although it is difficult to snatch the blood jade from these people, but It still has the ability to get it.

"Okay, Master, don't worry!" Nine Tails is still confident in snatching the blood jade. It has observed for so long that the strength of these people is really not enough for it to see. However, it will not be in such a critical moment. To rob, when robbing, it must ensure its own safety.

"Little Bai, can only people with the blood of gods and demons be able to open this treasure under the ground?" Bai Hu's eyes and Bai Hu's words let Zi Qing know that the things buried in the ground must be good things, and only Good things that she can only get.

"It's not only those who have the blood of gods and demons can open it, but those who must cultivate both the power of gods and the power of demons can absorb it!" The things buried under the ground are indeed good things, but if you want to absorb them, you still have to To be selected!
(End of this chapter)

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