Poison doctor witch

Chapter 225 The Test Begins 1

Chapter 225 The Test Begins 1
"Everyone, everyone is welcome to participate in this admissions exam. This exam has certain risks. If any accidental death occurs on the way, the academy will not be responsible. If you want to quit now, then please leave!"

When all the students arrived, the instructor who was in charge of the exam this time stood on the high platform and transmitted his voice through the loudspeaker stone.

After hearing that there would be an accident, the students all had a flash of fear in their eyes. It is good to join Lingtian Academy, but it must be saved. If you lose your life, then what are you talking about.

The tutor fell behind, and did not continue to speak, but looked at the crowd, and the huge coercion moved towards the crowd below.

"Strategy to attack the heart!" Zi Qing saw the majesty released by the instructor on the high platform, and the corners of his lips parted.

Sure enough, it is Lingtian Academy. Before the test, it gives people a sense of fear. If they can't even bear such a "threat", then there is no way to become a student of Lingtian Academy.

A quarter of an hour later, some people finally couldn't bear such majesty, and chose to retreat one after another. They could practice anywhere, and they would lose their lives.

Half an hour later, the instructor in the stands spoke again, "Since everyone has chosen to stay, the test will begin. Come one by one according to your numbers, and those who are not in their turn will stay quietly aside. If anyone makes a sound, So sorry, you are disqualified."

"Come in!" The first person to get the number plate was instantly tragic, the first one always had to be sacrificed, the truth must be right, especially after finding a room where he was going to enter, he The fear in my heart reached the extreme.

Trembling into the room, within a few minutes, the first person who got the number plate came out, his whole body was pitch black, and he even smelled of roasted meat.

As soon as they saw the man's appearance, everyone felt a chill, and the cold air rushed from their feet to the top of their heads. No wonder they mentioned that their lives would be in danger at the beginning. Looking at the man's appearance, they knew it!
Although the man walked out, he fell to the ground with a bang before he had walked a few steps, and flames even came out from the corner of his mouth.

"Send it to the infirmary!" The man's appearance made everyone feel timid. At this time, they actually had an urge to quit. Compared with status, money, and rights, life is more important. How can we have status without life? , money, rights.

"It seems that there is a flame attack inside!" Zi Qing narrowed his eyes and looked at the leaving man. This man's life was not in any danger, but it made him take off a layer of skin.

If it was a flame attack, there would be no danger to Ling Haoran, and when Zi Qing was thinking about it, several people withdrew, and it didn't take long to get in, but everyone who came out , None of them are intact, even if there are intact ones, they passed out after walking a few steps.

Zi Qing looked at the scars on everyone's body, and some surprises flashed in his eyes. It seemed that not all of the tests inside were fire attacks, and there were other conditions. Otherwise, their scars would not be like this.

Waves of people went in, wave after wave of people came out, Zi Qing and Ling Haoran's signs were relatively far behind, so they could only wait quietly aside, when it was Jing Mingyang's turn, Zi Qing's eyes widened. Light up slightly!
(End of this chapter)

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