Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2267 Tiger Clan Crisis 1

Chapter 2267 Tiger Clan Crisis 1
Originally, I thought that people from all walks of life would not infiltrate each other, but I didn't expect that people from all walks of life had already infiltrated into every corner of Xuanming Continent. I didn't find it before, but they didn't reveal their aura.

Now, they release their breath little by little, what are they going to do?
Zi Qing couldn't guess their purpose, and she didn't want to know their purpose. As long as they didn't confront her, she could ignore whatever they were going to do.

Just, is this possible?
"Xiaobai, do they want to start another war?" Isn't the ancient war back then a battle between people from all walks of life?

After so many years of silence, now, is it going to start a war again?
Zi Qing's guess, I have to say, is very correct. People from all walks of life have been dormant for so many years, and finally, they are about to start a new round of battle.

In fact, such a thing is easy to understand. Just like the change of dynasty, there will be no progress without a battle. This time, the battle may just follow the trend of the times!

"I'm afraid it is!" Although Baihu is in the Zilan space, he still knows what is happening outside. This battle is inevitable. However, it will not happen in the near future, it is just an early warning.

"Master, the battle will last forever, even if you want to stop it, you can't stop it!" The white tiger knew about Zi Qing, but he was also afraid that Zi Qing's head would be convulsed and he would do some extreme actions.

"Stop it, why should I stop it, as long as it doesn't involve me, then I can take it lightly!" Zi listened to Baihu's subtext and laughed.

It's not that she has a brain twitch, she will stop the battle, even a saint can't stop the battle, why should she.

Zi Qing's words made Bai Hu laugh, he knew that Zi Qing would not let him down!
"If the battle breaks out, will Lingtian Continent be involved?" Suddenly, Zi Qing seemed to think of something. If the battle involved Lingtian Continent, then Ling Haoran, as a strong man on Lingtian Continent, would definitely be involved. Among them, once Ling Haoran joins the battlefield, Zi Qing cannot remain calm.

"Master, do you think that once the battle starts, it will only be in Xuanming Continent?" Bai Hu didn't answer Zi Qing's question, but asked her instead.

This time, Zi Qing was in the middle of the game, so he couldn't see clearly. Once the battle broke out, everyone could not avoid it, especially as a strong man in the mainland, Zi Qing's problem was too superfluous.

However, Bai Hu didn't say it outright, but asked in a very tactful way.

Bai Hu's words made Zi Qing's body tense, and his eyes became ruthless.

When the battle started, no one could avoid it. If she wanted Ling Haoran to have no accident, then she had to make preparations now. Once the battle started, it would be impossible to take care of it.

"Qing'er, uncle, you are not someone who is easily defeated, don't you..." Mo Ranchen couldn't say these words too much, he was afraid that if he said that, Zi Qing would have Ignore him for a while.

If Zi Qing ignored him, he would be quite sad.

"Ranchen, I can't lose my brother!" No matter whether it's because she's taking too much control or planning ahead, her starting point is not to let Ling Haoran get hurt. In the past, he was the one who protected her, but now, it's her who protects her. he.

(End of this chapter)

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