Poison doctor witch

Chapter 2438 Good Character 4

Chapter 2438 Good Character 4
If she wanted to open up the situation in the Outer Worlds, Zi Qing alone would not be enough. She would need partners and helpers. Although these nine people were not enough, if there were one, there would be two. As long as one opening could be opened, it would be enough.

Regarding Zi Qing's words, Li Qi was still a little excited. After all, he had seen Zi Qing's swordsmanship with his own eyes. It was indeed a god-level swordsmanship, but could she really show it?

God-level swordsmanship is not a cat or a dog. This kind of swordsmanship is very precious even among aristocratic families. Can she just show it like this?
At this time, Li Qi even ignored one thing, and that was Zi Qing's condition, to win the championship!
At this moment, he was completely frightened by Zi Qing's arrogance, especially when he saw a piece of jade slip that Zi Qing took out, he couldn't help himself even more.

"I need to discuss it with them!" This matter is not a joke. After a short period of surprise, Li Qi finally realized that there are not many people who can resist the temptation, and Li Qi resisted. .

At this time, they only need to write a bad check to get the god-level swordsmanship, but Li Qi didn't!
Hearing Li Qi's words, a smile appeared on the corners of Zi Qing's lips. These people, she is going to make a decision, and if she misses it, she may really regret it.

Li Qi called everyone over and told everyone about Zi Qing's purpose. Although they didn't know why Zi Qing had to win the championship, in their view, the title of champion was just to get the crystal mine, like Zi Qing Will someone who can casually come up with god-level swordsmanship lack crystals?
Everyone ruled it out by themselves!
Ziqing naturally has no shortage of crystals, Shenjing, she has as many hills, not to mention unmined crystals, she wants to win the championship because she wants to step on the feet of the five great families and the Jiangyin faction, even if she can't It is also possible to face them directly, or from the side.

The five aristocratic families and the Jiangyin faction are absolutely unshakable existences in Outer World, but what if they can win the championship in front of everyone in Outer World?
Thinking of being able to slap them in the face openly, Zi Qing felt quite good.

Zi Qing didn't know what Li Qi said to everyone, she only knew that when everyone came to her again, they all looked at her with anticipation in their eyes.

Champion, who doesn't want to!

God-level swordsmanship, who wouldn't expect it!
"Zi Qing, can you really teach us the god-level swordsmanship?" Although Li Qi had said it before, they still couldn't believe it. This is the god-level swordsmanship, not ordinary swordsmanship.

"Yes!" Zi Qing nodded, with a smile in her eyes, what she wanted was their panic and anticipation, only in this way could they create miracles.

The most important thing is that the god-level swordsmanship she gave them is a kind of sword formation, which requires their cooperation. Of course, this kind of sword formation does not mean that ten people cooperate. Yes, as long as you cultivate well, you can do anything.

"Okay! We will definitely work hard to win the championship!" Zi Qing's condition is very beneficial to them. If they don't win the championship, they will be sorry for themselves.

After everyone's words fell, they received the exercises Zi Qing passed on to them, and the god-level swordsmanship was directly input into their minds.

As soon as they received the god-level swordsmanship, everyone froze in place!

(End of this chapter)

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